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Pardoning Of Azeri Axe Murderer Raises Tensions In The Caucasus

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  • Pardoning Of Azeri Axe Murderer Raises Tensions In The Caucasus

    Email Simon Tisdall
    Thursday 6 September 2012 18.34 BST

    Case of army lieutenant who killed and all but decapitated an Armenian
    soldier has inflamed public opinion

    Official US criticism of abuses by the government of Azeri president
    Ilham Aliyev is relatively muted. Photograph: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty
    Images The spectre of war in the Caucasus rose again this week
    following the pardoning by Azerbaijan of a convicted axe murderer
    who killed and all but decapitated an Armenian soldier while he
    slept. The White House, Russia, the EU and the Organisation for
    Security and Co-operation in Europe all moved to diplomatic battle
    stations as the Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan, furiously warned:
    "We don't want a war, but if we have to, we will fight and win."

    The case of Ramil Safarov, an Azeri army lieutenant who was jailed
    in Hungary in 2004 for the murder of Gurgen Margaryan during a Nato
    Partnership for Peace course that they both attended, has inflamed
    public opinion in Azerbaijan and Armenia. The two countries have a
    history of hostilities that includes a war over the Nagorno-Karabakh
    enclave that killed 30,000 people between 1988 and 1994. The dispute
    remains unresolved and this summer there was a sharp escalation in
    border skirmishes.

    The alarm in Washington and Moscow at the latest confrontation is
    rooted in political and strategic considerations.

    Thanks to the efforts of former US vice-president Dick Cheney, among
    others, Azerbaijan has become a major oil supplier to the west in
    recent years. US and British companies including ExxonMobil and BP
    have invested an estimated $35bn in its oil and natural gas fields
    and the country's importance has grown during the turmoil engendered
    elsewhere by the Arab spring.

    Nato, meanwhile, uses Azeri airfields to resupply Afghanistan.

    Azerbaijan's military spending, financed by oil sales, is expected
    to reach $3.6bn this year.

    Pro-western, pro-business Azerbaijan's location on the Caspian basin
    has also made it a key player in the Obama administration's undeclared
    war on Iran.

    Official US criticism of long-standing civil, electoral and human
    rights abuses by the government of President Ilham Aliyev is relatively
    muted. In return for its discretion, Washington is said to be rewarded
    with intelligence-sharing and other Iran-related favours.

    Up to 20 million ethnic Azeris live in north-western Iran and some
    Azeri politicians refer to the area as "South Azerbaijan". For CIA
    schemers intent on destabilising the Tehran regime, the potential
    for subterfuge is vast.

    The Israel-Azerbaijan relationship is even more remarkable. The two
    countries have steadily expanded military ties: Baku spent $1.6bn on
    Israeli weapons in February.

    Then in March Azerbaijan arrested 22 people allegedly involved
    in an Iranian plot to assassinate American and Israeli diplomats,
    and Aliyev claims Azerbaijan is neutral in the dispute over Iran's
    nuclear programme, which Israel believes threatens its existence. But
    Iran-Azerbaijan relations are in deep freeze amid a public war
    of words.

    Less wealthy Armenia also has strategic significance and powerful
    backers. Russia is a major weapons supplier, maintains military bases
    within reach of Armenia's border with Nato member Turkey, and oversees
    the country's air defences. Russian military flights increased sharply
    this year as Azeri-Armenian tensions rose, according to Interfax.

    It was announced in June that Russia would double its personnel at its
    Gyumri base, whose lease has been extended until 2044. Gyumri is home
    to Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and Mikoyan MiG-29 fighters.

    Iran also takes Armenia's side in opposition to Azerbaijan - while
    just to complicate matters further, so too does the influential
    Armenian-American diaspora, which knows how to put pressure on the
    White House.

    Small surprise, then, that the feting of the axe murderer Safarov
    when he returned to Baku, his subsequent promotion, the awarding
    to him of eight years' back pay - and Armenia's furious reaction -
    have caused ripples of alarm at the highest levels. Armenia broke off
    diplomatic relations with hapless Hungary for letting him go, Barack
    Obama expressed deep concern about it all, the Kremlin chastised both
    Hungary and Azerbaijan, demonstrators took to the streets of Yerevan
    and an Armenian opposition party demanded formal recognition of the
    independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan claimed in turn that
    Armenia's reaction was "hysterical" and that President Sargsyan had
    secretly ordered the assassination of Safarov.

    International diplomatic efforts to pull the two sides back from the
    brink appear to have worked so far, but more by luck than judgment.

    The Safarov affair is not over yet. And it is a sobering reminder
    that the so-called "frozen conflicts" left over from the Cold War
    can and will re-ignite with appalling speed if ignored for long enough.

    In point of fact, the dispute has not been wholly ignored. The
    so-called Minsk group of countries has been trying to resolve it for
    years. In June, the US, Russian and French presidents issued a joint
    statement calling for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    dispute. "Military force will not resolve the conflict and would
    only prolong the suffering and hardships endured by the peoples of
    the region for too long," they said. That is indubitably true. What
    they did not admit is their own part in the problem.

    From: Baghdasarian