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Sen. Kerry 'Shocked And Appalled' By Safarov Pardon

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  • Sen. Kerry 'Shocked And Appalled' By Safarov Pardon


    Armenian Weekly
    September 5, 2012

    WASHINGTON-On Sept. 5, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman
    John Kerry (D-Mass.) condemned President Ilham Aliyev's release of
    Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army lieutenant who was convicted of
    brutally axing to death Armenian soldier Gurgen Margaryan in his sleep,
    during a 2004 NATO English-language training course.

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.)
    "I am shocked and appalled that Azerbaijan not only welcomed Safarov
    home, but pardoned, promoted, and treated him as a hero," noted
    Chairman Kerry, in a statement issued earlier today. "This needlessly
    provocative act endangers the fragile peace between these countries
    and damages the government of Azerbaijan's credibility."

    ANCA Eastern Region Executive Director Michelle Hagopian welcomed
    Chairman Kerry's statement, noting "We join with Armenian Americans
    from throughout the Commonwealth in welcoming Senator Kerry's
    condemnation of Azerbaijan's pardon of convicted axe-murderer Ramil
    Safarov. We thank the Senator for his principled stand against
    this injustice, and urge him and his legislative colleagues, in the
    interest of peace, to act now to cut off all U.S. military aid, sales,
    or transfers to Azerbaijan."

    Sen. Kerry echoes statements issued by a number of U.S. Representative
    this week decrying Azerbaijan's release and subsequent glorification
    of Safarov.

    House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Democrat Henry Waxman
    (D-Calif.) noted that he is "deeply disturbed by the President of
    Azerbaijan's decision to pardon Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani military
    lieutenant who gruesomely murdered Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan
    while the two soldiers were participating in the 2004 NATO Partnership
    for Peace program in Hungary. It is an appalling demonstration of the
    Azerbaijani government's continued refusal to reconcile with Armenia
    and its unwillingness to uphold the rule of law."

    House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Democrat Howard Berman
    (D-Calif.) called Safarov's release "contemptible," noting,
    "that Safarov in a premeditated fashion killed Margaryan at a NATO
    Partnership for Peace event underscores the cynical brutality of his
    act. For the Hungarian Government to have demonstrated leniency in
    this matter is of grave concern. . . . The Azerbaijani government's
    decision to free Safarov is contemptible and a serious blow to hopes
    for Armenian-Azerbaijani peace."

    Central California Congressman Jim Costa (D-Calif.) told The Fresno
    Bee on Sept. 5 that "This injustice of international law committed
    by the government of Azerbaijan is an outrage, plain and simple." In
    a longer statement issued to his constituents, he noted that "We
    in the United States stand firm with our friends in Armenia during
    these trying times because of our steadfast commitment to justice,
    peace and mutual respect. The actions of the Azeri government stand
    in stark contrast to these values and underline the need for the U.S.
    government to strongly support Armenia and its people."

    Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), one of two Members of Congress of Armenian
    origin, called for the immediate reincarceration of the Safarov.

    "Safarov's release dangerously undermines the rule of law and peace
    throughout the region. The Azerbajani government should immediately
    reverse its decision to pardon Safarov."

    Earlier, Congressional Armenian Genocide Resolution architect Adam
    Schiff (D-Calif.) commented that "Hungary, where Safarov was supposed
    to be serving a life sentence, and Azerbaijan owe the international
    community an explanation for this terrible subversion of justice. This
    is an appalling result in the case of a confessed killer."

    The ANCA reported last week on statements issued by Congressional
    Armenian Caucus co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and senior House
    Foreign Affairs Committee Member Brad Sherman's condemnation of
    the Safarov release. White House and State Department condemnation
    was swift last week, following thousands of calls and emails from
    Armenian Americans across the U.S. expressing outrage. The White House
    statement, issued in the name of National Security Council Spokesman
    Tommy Vietor, underscores the President's view that, "This action is
    contrary to ongoing efforts to reduce regional tensions and promote
    reconciliation." Vietor goes on to note that "The United States is
    also requesting an explanation from Hungary regarding its decision
    to transfer Safarov to Azerbaijan."
