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ABA Sends Letter To Obama On Safarov Extradition

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  • ABA Sends Letter To Obama On Safarov Extradition


    Armenian Weekly
    September 6, 2012

    The Armenian Bar Association sent the following letter to President
    Barack Obama regarding Ramil Safarov's extradition and later release
    in Azerbaijan.

    September 3, 2012

    President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear President Obama:

    Greetings to you on behalf of the Armenian Bar Association,
    the largest and most diverse group of Armenian-American judges,
    lawyers, and students who are bound together by the greatest-and
    often elusive-universal interest, namely justice.

    Your life and career have been guided by the North Star of our times,
    carrying within its glow the promise of enlightenment. These two
    principles-enlightenment and justice- form the ligament that holds
    civilized men and women and civilized nations together.

    The Executive Committee of the Armenian Bar Association shares your
    deep concern over Azeri President Ilham Aliyev's illicit pardon of
    Azeri Ramil Safarov, who was convicted in Hungarian courts of axing
    to death an innocent Armenian, Gurgen Margaryan. The painful irony of
    the crime is that it occurred during a training program in Budapest
    under the auspices of NATO's Partnership for Peace Program.

    Whereas communicating to Azerbaijan's authorities your disappointment
    about the decision to pardon Safarov is welcome news to us, we hope
    there will be more said and more done by you about the affront to
    international law and fundamental notions of, simply, what is right
    and what is wrong.

    We ask that you follow your own conscience and sense of justice
    which have elevated you to the highest office in our land and have
    led to the support of millions of Americans, including the support
    of countless Armenian-Americans.

    Mr. Aliyev's decision to pardon Safarov is a repudiation of your
    and American efforts to bring peace, reduce regional tensions, and
    promote reconciliation.

    This week, as you accept the nomination of the Democratic Party and, as
    anticipated, share with the nation the importance of the rule of law,
    and as you remind the world about the United States of America being
    the champion of freedom and democracy, we ask that you please take
    a moment to reflect on how those declarations can be reconciled with
    the current state of friendly relations with the regime in Azerbaijan.

    We urge you to let the world see you as the brave leader for whom
    justice is above and for all.

    Very Truly Yours,

    Garo B. Ghazarian Chairman, Board of Governors Armenian Bar Association

    Edvin Minassian Chairman, Ex-Officio

    Armen K. Hovannisian Vice-Chairman

    Harry Dikranian Vice-Chairman

    Sara Bedirian Treasurer

    Hovanes Margarian Secretary

    Vicken I. Simonian Chairman Emeritus
