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Armenian Envoy: It Is Up To Hungarian Authorities To Find Out How To

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  • Armenian Envoy: It Is Up To Hungarian Authorities To Find Out How To


    The government of Azerbaijan has spent the last eight years trying
    to convince Budapest to release from its custody Ramil Safarov, an
    Azeri soldier who in 2004 murdered his Armenian roommate in Budapest,
    purely out of hate for Armenia. Ferenc Gyurcsany, Hungary's former
    socialist prime minister, denied repeated requests from Baku, as he
    was not convinced that the Azeri counterparts would honour their end
    of the deal, by ensuring that Safarov remains in custody to serve
    his life sentence. Current Prime Minister Viktor Orban was much
    less circumspect than his predecessor, and seemingly had no qualms
    releasing the axe murderer to Azerbaijan on August 31st, 2012, where
    fans greeted him as a hero and where he received a presidential pardon,
    only to be released immediately upon arrival. The Canadian Hungarian
    Journal contacted Armenian Ambassador Armen Yeganian, in Ottawa, and
    the diplomat did not mince his words when expressing his outrage at
    Hungary's careless handling of this situation.

    - Does the Armenian government expect that its diaspora communities
    (including those in Canada) will likely protest Safarov's transfer
    to Azerbaijan by Hungarian authorities and is this an issue which
    has really captured the interest of Armenians living abroad?

    - We are all terribly outraged about this deal. These kinds of grave
    political, diplomatic mistakes happen very rarely in our history. This
    issue really captured the interest of Armenians living abroad. Yes,
    the President of the Republic of Armenia said, that "our people abroad
    ought to speak out on this". Armenian communities around the world,
    and particularly here in Canada, are very good citizens of their host
    counties, but at the same time are very dedicated Armenians.

    - We understand that this has caused serious consternation for the
    Armenian government and we, along with many other newspapers and
    individuals in Hungary and in Hungarian communities abroad, were both
    surprised and deeply disturbed to witness such careless, unethical and
    irresponsible behaviour on the part of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's
    government. What can Hungarian authorities do to make amends and help
    restore the diplomatic ties between Hungary and Armenia?

    - It is up to Hungarian authorities to find out how to repair the
    damaged relations with Armenia, long standing friend, how to reconsider
    their relations with Azerbaijan and finally how to save the terribly
    damaged image of Hungary itself in the international arena.

    As you probably know, President Obama, Russian, French, Swedish and
    many other high authorities has spoken already about this in unison,
    harshly criticizing both Azerbaijan and Hungary.

    Hungary attempts to present itself as a cheated side. We can not
    believe it, because the Armenian side warned the Hungarians over
    the course of all these 8 years against such an action and recently
    informed them about the inevitability of the release of that criminal
    after his transfer.
