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Safarov Committed A Cowardly Terrorist Act - Armenian Assembly

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  • Safarov Committed A Cowardly Terrorist Act - Armenian Assembly


    September 5, 2012 - 10:45 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) commends
    the Administration and Members of Congress for their initial statements
    in reaction to the news that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
    pardoned Ramil Safarov, who was convicted of brutally murdering an
    Armenian officer with an axe while the latter was sleeping, reported
    the Assembly.

    The National Security Council issued a statement last week highlighting
    President Obama's deep concerns and noting that "this action is
    contrary to ongoing efforts to reduce regional tensions and promote
    reconciliation." The State Department also issued a statement, which
    read in part: "The United States is extremely troubled by the news
    that the President of Azerbaijan pardoned Azerbaijani army officer
    Ramil Safarov, who returned to Baku today following his transfer
    from Hungary."

    The Assembly said it is troubled by reports that Azerbaijan used its
    financial resources and Turkish influence to secure the repatriation
    of Safarov, and moreover that Safarov was reinstated and promoted in
    the military. "The Assembly, like all people of good faith, will work
    to see this entire dirty affair fully exposed. Safarov committed a
    cowardly terrorist act by killing a man who was defenseless at sleep,
    and Aliyev's rewarding of such behavior further exposes Azerbaijan as
    a threat to regional peace. It also definitely confirms that under
    no circumstances can the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh return to any
    form of Azeri rule."

    "The Assembly condemns Azerbaijan's pardon of Ramil Safarov in the
    strongest possible terms," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan

    "We also appreciate the initial statements issued by the
    Administration, State Department, and Members of Congress. President
    Ilham Aliyev's actions are consistent with the pattern of rhetoric
    with which he continues to threaten war against Armenians. This
    latest escalation only underscores the need to guarantee the safety
    and security of Armenian people in Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia,"
    added Ardouny.
