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Irritants XVI

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  • Irritants XVI


    Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

    Unbelievable! As I was writing this piece, I received word of Aliyev's,
    Azerbaijan's "president', pardon of the Azeri military officer who
    had hacked to death his Armenian roommate at a 2004 NATO language
    conference in Hungary. And, this pardon came on the heels of the
    murderer being sent back to Azerbaijan by Hungary after the latter had
    been assured that the minimum 25-year sentence before parole would be
    possible would be enforced. So much for justice. So much for honoring
    one's word. So much for Azerbaijan's "credibility". It seems I was
    wrong a few weeks ago when I titled my piece "Filthy Azerbaijan",
    since that is clearly too kind a description of a country that is run
    by people so debased as to let such vile criminal off! I'm open to
    suggestions for better, more appropriate, and more precise adjectives
    for next time! How can you not get angry after reading something like
    this so early in the day?

    Since last August, I have been going to the court hearings regarding
    the AXA life insurance case that has gone somewhat haywire. Not
    only does the whole situation make me queasy, but the hearings
    are often postponed or cancelled. The mutual recrimination of the
    attorneys, who once cooperated with one another to bring suit and
    win against the deadbeat insurance company, are enough to make
    anyone gag. Then, there are the assertions of potential wrongdoing
    by third parties. Couple that with one element I think the court is
    disregarding, unjustly, and you have a situation where it's very easy
    to jump to conclusions. I feel compelled to bite my tongue constantly
    and wait for the proceedings to come to a conclusion. You might want
    to come watch the next hearing yourself. It'll be held in LA's federal
    court building in Judge Snyder's courtroom on the second floor. This
    would show community interest and perhaps create pressure on all
    concerned to act more wisely.

    Deceptive Republicans may sound like a redundancy these days, but
    it must be expressed. It's so bad that even the conservative mass
    media has called vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan out on his
    misdirection. But really, the worst of it is this argument presented
    by Republicans arguing against President Obama's reelection (remember,
    I'm no Obama lover these days). "He had four years to fix the country,
    and he failed, his policies were obviously the wrong ones, we know
    how to do it better". What they conveniently omit is that four years
    ago, their stated objective was (from the mouth on none other than
    their Senate Minority Leader McConnell) to make sure Obama was a one
    term president. So, any policies proposed by Obama and the Democrats
    were fought, watered down, or outright prevented from implementation
    SO THAT the economy would not improve so they could accuse Obama of
    failure. This level of duplicity is unacceptable, since it clearly
    places partisan interests above the country's interests.

    Car drivers and bicyclists coexist on the same roads. But, they've got
    to do it better. I'm fully aware of the "invisible cyclist" phenomenon,
    since I've been guilty of falling into it, too. And that's with me
    being a fairly regular bike rider. This is a state of mind wherein
    somehow auto drivers just don't "register" that their eyes are seeing
    a bicycle with a human on it 20 feet away. So the first thing we must
    do is simply train ourselves to be more aware of what's around us
    while driving. The next thing is, we must DRIVE NORMALLY. I encounter
    cases of what I'll call "excess kindness" by car drivers as I'm on
    my bike. It happens when, despite the car having the right of way,
    the driver will try to allow the bike to "go first". This is confusing
    to me because I don't know if the driver is simply distracted and will
    all of a sudden lurch forward or if indeed they're letting me go. So,
    I slow down or stop. Then the car may not move, so I think "OK, I'll
    go", as soon as I do so, the driver, reacting to my earlier slowing,
    starts to move then I stop, then they stop... You get the idea. Just
    obey the rules of the road.

    "You've won a cruise for two!" Of course the trip was 18 months later,
    but they wanted to get $59 from me right away for port fees. That
    was the gist of a conversation I had a few months ago after picking
    up the phone at home. When I told them their urgent demand for the
    relative pittance made me think this was some sort of scam, the caller
    was offended. I was told "we'll just give it to someone else". Boy,
    that sure tore me up... What nerve!

    People in the Los Angeles basin are getting a taste of the
    heat/humidity more typical of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. Farmers
    in the U.S. are experiencing withering droughts. Even National
    Geographic, hardly a bastion of wild-eyed radicalism, has on its
    September issue's cover "What's up with the weather?" Let's not
    even discuss the overwhelming preponderance of scientific evidence
    and assessments. Yet, there are still people who "question" global
    warming and it human-behavior based causes. They then use this to argue
    against "burdensome" regulations, in this case higher average fuel
    efficiency and mitigating the release of CO2 into the atmosphere. As
    a friend once asked regarding a different issue, I have to wonder,
    "Have these people gone to school?"

    The close of California's legislative session, this year on August 31,
    is always rife with shenanigans by lawmakers. We usually discover what
    happened after the fact. So this is one causes anticipatory irritation!

    From: A. Papazian