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Pardon Revives Bitter Caucasus Dispute

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  • Pardon Revives Bitter Caucasus Dispute


    The International Herald Tribune
    September 6, 2012 Thursday

    Hero's welcome for man who killed Armenian sets off international protests


    Ramil Safarov stepped uncertainly off the plane in his native
    Azerbaijan last Friday, returning home after spending eight years
    in a Hungarian prison for a gruesome murder. But it took only a
    few minutes for celebrations honoring Mr. Safarov, an Azerbaijani
    serviceman, to begin. He was given a pardon, a new apartment, eight
    years of back pay, a promotion and the status of a national hero.

    Mr. Safarov is a hero in Azerbaijan because of the nationality of
    his victim: an Armenian man, a fellow student in a NATO-sponsored
    English class in Hungary who was sleeping in his dormitory room on a
    night in 2004 when Mr. Safarov, carrying an ax, crept in and nearly
    decapitated him.

    But Mr. Safarov will almost certainly go down in history for the way he
    was freed, an episode people have started to call "The Safarov Affair."

    The Azerbaijani actions have embarrassed Hungary, which agreed to
    extradite Mr. Safarov on the assumption that he would serve at least
    25 years of a life sentence. It has set off protests in Budapest and
    enraged Armenia, where activists pelted the Hungarian Embassy with
    eggs and burned Hungarian flags.

    And it threatens to end the lengthy peace process that has kept
    Azerbaijan and Armenia from sliding back into bloody conflict over
    the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Mr. Safarov, who was a
    boy during the war with Armenia, embodies the hatred that has pooled
    deeply through the many rounds of faltering negotiations.

    Mr. Safarov and his victim, Lt. Gurgen Markarian, were taking an
    English-language course organized by NATO's Partnership for Peace,
    which was developed to build ties with former Soviet allies in
    Eastern Europe.

    Mr. Safarov told the police that his Armenian classmates had insulted
    him and that he had grown angry, finally buying an ax and waiting
    until the predawn hours, passing the time by finishing his English
    homework and taking a bath, according to a transcript of the interview
    published by Armenian activists.

    After Mr. Safarov was arrested, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry
    released a statement describing his family's losses during the war
    with Armenia and suggesting that Lieutenant Markarian had goaded him.

    "There are indications that the Armenian servicemen repeatedly insulted
    the honor and dignity of the Azerbaijani officer and citizen,"
    the statement said. "All this would have inevitably influenced the
    suspect's emotional state."

    It was not clear how the Armenian government will respond to Mr.
    Safarov's release. An opposition party on Tuesday proposed formally
    recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh as independent - a step that would signal
    the final collapse of peace talks that have long been encouraged by
    Russia and the West. The United States immediately, and emphatically,
    condemned Mr. Safarov's release, issuing statements describing
    officials in Washington as "deeply concerned."

    Richard Giragosian, an analyst based in Yerevan, Armenia, said that
    Armenia could ratchet up the confrontation by opening an airport in
    Stepanakert, the capital of the disputed territory, or by responding
    overwhelmingly to cease-fire violations. He said neither side was
    seeking a war, but the unfolding events risked "a war by accident."

    The homecoming last week - the result of years of lobbying by
    Azerbaijan - elevated Mr. Safarov to a new status. He is not the first
    extradited criminal to return home as a hero. Similar celebrations
    greeted Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, the Libyan intelligence officer
    convicted of bombing a Pan Am flight over Scotland, and Russian leaders
    made a political star of Andrei K. Lugovoi, an intelligence officer,
    when he was accused of poisoning a political rival in London.

    But President Ilham H. Aliyev of Azerbaijan chose to send a provocative
    message when he met Mr. Safarov at the airport last Friday and issued
    the pardon. It was a notable move for a national leader who has
    spent lavishly in recent years to build up Azerbaijan's international
    prestige, underwriting soft-power projects like the Eurovision Song


    As published in the International Herald Tribune

    Because of an editing error, an article on Thursday about a hero's
    welcome for a convicted killer, Ramil Safarov, in his homeland of
    Azerbaijan, where he was extradited on Friday from Hungary after
    serving only eight years of a life sentence in the killing of an
    Armenian serviceman in Budapest, described incorrectly the role that
    President Ilham H. Aliyev of Azerbaijan played in the case. He pardoned
    Mr. Safarov; he did not meet him at the airport when he returned home.

    Friday, September 7, 2012
