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Turkish Dilemma

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  • Turkish Dilemma

    Turkish Dilemma

    Turkey's voluble prime minister has talked himself into a corner on
    Syria. Will the spiraling unrest next door finally force him to back
    up his words?


    ISTANBUL - On Sept. 4 in Ankara, in a meeting with members of his ruling
    Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan loudly threw down a gauntlet for next-door neighbor President
    Bashar al-Assad.

    "The massacres in Syria that gain strength from the international
    community's indifference are continuing to increase," he said
    "The regime in Syria has now become a terrorist state. We do not have the
    luxury to be indifferent to what is happening there."

    It was the culmination of increasingly strong rhetoric from a highly
    conservative yet completely overextended leader who seems to want both
    political stability in Syria -- and the central hero's role in bringing
    down the Assad regime.

    Erdogan complains that he has received little support from Turkey's allies.
    On Sept. 5, he told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that the United States
    "lacked initiative" in dealing with the crisis in Syria. "There are certain
    things being expected from the United States. The United States had not yet
    catered to those expectations," he said. "Maybe it's because of the
    pre-election situation."

    The latest rhetoric has sent nervous waves down the Bosphorus, where
    Erdogan has faced growing criticism from liberal political elites.

    "There's no push within the country for him to go into Syria," says Soli
    Ozel, a political commentator and professor of international relations at
    Istanbul's Kadir Has University.

    Erdogan once touted a "no problems with neighbors" foreign policy that
    emphasized removing longstanding points of tension with surrounding
    countries, including Syria. But with the advent of the Arab Spring, he
    strongly supported revolutionaries working to topple the established order.

    Today, the Turkish premier is aiming to be "a central diplomatic figure
    with good ties to both the West and the Middle East, who can eliminate
    problems on his borders," according to Jon Alterman, Middle East program
    director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "And
    certainly there are ways that Syria could work out that would allow him to
    emerge as the victor in all of this ... But there's also certain ways it
    could work out that creates a lot of messiness for him."

    Since the Syrian crisis erupted last March, Erdogan has, more than any
    other leader, walked a tightrope between intervention and isolationism.
    In late June, after Syrian forces shot down a Turkish fighter jet, he
    swore that any Syrian military unit approaching the border "will be
    regarded as a threat and treated as a military target." However, he
    also said Syrian helicopters had infiltrated Turkish airspace five times,
    without any retaliation.

    It's no easy task: Erdogan must balance a desire to take a leadership role
    in Syria while simultaneously appeasing disgruntled voters with no desire
    to get involved in an escalating quagmire. He must also manage the influx of more than 80,000
    Syrian refugees who continue to stream across the border into the
    Turkish province of Hatay, straining a region where schools and
    hospitals are overcrowded and Arabic is now as common on public buses
    as Turkish.

    "People in Turkey don't want a rushed intervention in Syria. Most Turks are
    worried about getting mired," says Salman Shaikh, director at the Brookings
    Institution's office in Doha. He added, however, that Assad might beat them
    to intervention -- exporting security threats into Turkey to retaliate for
    Ankara's support to Syrian opposition fighters.

    Even as Erdogan works to enhance Turkey's influence in the Arab world, he
    is also taking aggressive steps to transform its domestic politics. He has
    pushed Turkey, which is 99 percent Muslim, in a more socially conservative
    direction, sparking controversy in May by calling for restrictions on abortion,
    equating it with murder. For years, he has faced liberal criticism
    over his endorsement of headscarves, worn by his wife and daughters.

    In Istanbul's trendier cafes, it has become a source of amusement. Socially
    liberal Turks joke that the volume of the daily call to prayer has been
    turned up to unconscionable levels in a misguided attempt to get
    non-observant Muslims to pay attention.

    Combined with his support for a predominantly Sunni uprising in Syria, the
    effect has been to cast Erdogan as a figure bent on imposing his religious
    views across not only his own country, but the entire Middle East.

    All in all, the prime minister and his party "have been singularly failing
    in convincing the country that the policies they're pursuing are correct,"
    Ozel says. "And that includes the people who actually constitute his base."

    But it might not be Erdogan's obvious desire to topple the Assad regime
    that finally spurs Turkish involvement in Syria. Experts say it's likely
    that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a Kurdish liberation movement that
    is listed as an official terrorist group by Turkey, the United States, and
    the European Union, is working with Kurdish fighters in northern Syria.

    "In the north, [the Assad regime] has allotted five provinces to the
    Kurds, to the terrorist organization," Erdogan told a Turkish television
    station in July. Would he attack fleeing rebels if they attacked the
    Turkish side? "That's not even a matter of discussion, it is a given,"
    he replied.

    "Looking at foreign intervention in Syria, the whole Kurdish issue might be
    the entree point, especially for Turkey," says Shaikh.

    For centuries, Kurds have been pariahs in highly nationalist Turkey. The
    possibility of the PKK reestablishing its ties with the Assad regime, which
    had been severed in the late 1990s, and continuing its decades-long
    insurgency against the Turkish state from northern Syria is seen as a grave
    threat by Turkish leaders.

    Erdogan "still doesn't have the backing and support for an intervention,"
    Shaikh says. "But this issue rubs up against vital national security

    As the Turkish premier ponders his next move, fighting between the PKK
    and Turkish army has also spiked. On Sept. 6, Reuters reported that more
    than 2,000 Turkish soldiers, accompanied by fighter jets and
    helicopters, attacked PKK positions in southeast Turkey and northern
    Iraq. On Sept. 2, 20 PKK militants and 10 soldiers were killed in a
    coordinated PKK attack in southeast Sirnak province.

    In Ankara, officials have decried the rise in violence as a mirror of
    the escalating conflict next door. In July, Erdogan accused the regime
    of allowing PKK militants to cross the border and operate alongside the
    Democratic Union Party (PYD), an affiliated group, in embattled northern

    "There's more tension developing here, which points to there being a PKK
    offshoot, the PYD, which is trying to dominate everything the Kurds are
    doing inside Syria," Alterman says.

    Of the estimated 2 million Kurds in Syria, Alterman says, most "want to be
    a part of the opposition and the revolution and the Syria of the future.
    But this is becoming difficult after the efforts of the PKK offshoot to
    dominate the regime."

    The Syrian president has been known to stir trouble with the Kurds as a way
    of getting Turkey's attention. Assad has a long history of using the
    Kurdish question -- arguably the most convoluted, long-running of Turkey's
    foreign policy issues -- to bait Erdogan.

    Assad's strategy "to provoke problems and get paid off for no longer
    provoking problems," Alterman says. "What we've seen in the last year is
    more PKK activity [allowed in Syria] intended to punish Turkey. The Kurdish
    issue is a friction point in all of this, a tool that people use to get
    back at each other."

    Assad has worked to create friction between Arabs and Kurds by distributing
    weapons to Arabs, Alterman notes, and telling them the Kurds are going to
    try and dominate them. Alterman warns that an Arab-Kurd conflagration in
    Syria "might not be far away."

    As these issues come to a head, Erdogan will be faced with a tough
    decision: Intervene and risk the wrath of his electorate, or stand by and
    watch as Syria explodes in his face. In the meantime, Erdogan's tightrope
    will grow thinner and wobblier.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress