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The New Great Game in Central Asia

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  • The New Great Game in Central Asia

    The New Great Game in Central Asia
    Geopolitics in a Post-Western World

    Alexander Cooley

    August 7, 2012

    Managing Editor Jonathan Tepperman interviews author Alexander Cooley on
    the geopolitical role of Central Asia, and how outside powers--Russia,
    China, and the United States--are competing for influence in the region, as
    the British and Russian empires did a century ago.

    *Horsemen take part in a Kok-boru (Buzkashi) competition in Bishkek.
    (Courtesy Reuters)*

    In the last decade, the world has started taking more notice of Central
    Asia. For the United States and its allies, the region is a valuable supply
    hub for the Afghanistan war effort. For Russia, it is an arena in which to
    exert political influence. For China, it is a source of energy and a
    critical partner for stabilizing and developing the restive Xinjiang
    province in the Middle Kingdom's west. Some commentators have referred to
    Washington, Moscow, and Beijing's renewed activity in the region as a
    modern iteration of the Great Game. But unlike the British and Russian
    empires in their era of competition and conquest, the Central Asian
    governments are working to use renewed external involvement to their
    sovereign advantage, fending off disruptive demands and reinforcing their
    political control at home. Accordingly, the Central Asian case today is not
    a throwback to the past but a guide to what is to come: the rise of new
    players and the decline of Western influence in a multipolar world.

    The first lesson to take from China, Russia, and the United States'
    involvement in Central Asia is that it has strengthened the hand of rulers,
    who have been able to play the suitors off one another to extract economic
    benefits and political support where possible. Most dramatically, in 2009,
    President Kurmanbek Bakiyev of Kyrgyzstan, host to the Manas Transit
    Center, initiated a bidding war between the United States and Russia by
    threatening to close the base. He extracted hundreds of millions of dollars
    from both sides, in the form of a Russian assistance package and a renewed
    lease at a higher rent with the United States. Since 2008, the United
    States also has paid transit fees,* about $500 million
    to the Uzbek and other Central Asian governments to ship equipment bound
    for Afghanistan through the Northern Distribution Network.

    The same dynamic is playing out elsewhere. The availability of alternative
    patrons has made U.S. strategic engagement more expensive everywhere, both
    in terms of dollars and politics. In 2008, Ecuadorian President Rafael
    Correa refused to extend a ten-year lease of the U.S. base at Manta, after
    having been offered $500 million to upgrade the facility by a Hong Kong
    port operator. Steven Cook, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations,
    has *observed* that in post-revolutionary Egypt the
    United States has continued to provide assistance in return for overflight
    rights and access to the Suez Canal, even as U.S. leverage over the country
    diminishes. And during Pakistan's seven-month fallout with Washington, in
    which it closed Afghanistan-bound supply lanes, Islamabad publicly demanded
    an increase in transit fees and courted China. Eventually, U.S. officials
    reportedly agreed to release $1.1 billion for the Pakistani military from
    the Coalition Support Fund to *get the route back open*.

    Central Asian elites have grown increasingly hostile to the West's values
    agenda -- promoting democracy and human rights -- and are now able to push
    back against criticism.

    The second lesson is that regional multipolarity has eroded Western
    economic influence. Over the last decade, China has emerged as the leading
    economic power in Central Asia. Chinese assistance there, as in Africa and
    other developing regions, is not easy to categorize; it is usually a hybrid
    of foreign aid, investment, and emergency standby loans. Beijing has
    skillfully relied on a unique mix of these economic instruments with each
    of its Central Asian neighbors. In 2009, it signed loans-for-energy
    packages with energy-rich Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. These loans secured
    supplies of oil and gas or equity in local producers. Meanwhile, Beijing
    has undertaken major new oil and gas pipelines to take the Central Asian
    energy eastward. These packages mirror similar loans-for-energy deals with
    Angola, Brazil, Ecuador, Russia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Venezuela.

    In the poorer countries of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Beijing has become a
    major investor and development assistance provider, focusing on power
    generation, transmission, and transport, including roads and railways.
    Prior to the 2012 SCO Summit in Beijing, the Export-Import Bank of China
    was already Tajikistan's leading single creditor. Its holdings of the
    country's overall foreign debt are now projected to reach 70 percent. Most
    Western commentaries have welcomed Beijing's regional assistance and
    investment, since Central Asian infrastructure remains in a state of
    chronic disrepair and Chinese upgrades should improve cross-border regional
    links and spur regional development.

    But China's donor role also poses a number of challenges that Western
    officials seem reluctant to publicly acknowledge. China's lack of
    monitoring standards, its unconditional aid, and its direct dealings with
    regimes reduce the transparency of its projects. In Tajikistan, for
    example, a new private offshore-registered company now charges tolls on the
    highway linking Dushanbe and Chanak, which was built mostly with Chinese
    funds, making it practically unaffordable for lower-income Tajiks.
    Meanwhile, China does not coordinate with other internationals in Bishkek
    or Dushanbe and its lending and assistance in Central Asia simply dwarfs
    existing commitments from other international sources. This summer, China
    announced that it would provide $10 billion worth of financing for
    infrastructure projects in the region. If enacted, the program will make
    China the region's leading foreign investor by a wide margin. At the same
    time, the conditions of U.S. aid, which is now a small and declining source
    of regional funds, will become less meaningful.

    New economic patrons are playing similar roles in Africa and the Middle
    East. In mid-July, at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, in Beijing,
    Chinese President Hu Jintao pledged an additional $20 billion in loans to
    Africa over the next three years, seeking to secure new energy supplies. He
    also pledged to refrain from insisting on conditionality, as Western
    countries often impose -- something he referred to as "*the big bullying
    the small* ." As with Central Asia, social and
    political programs -- training for tens of thousands of African officials;
    18,000 new scholarships for African students -- will accompany these
    economic packages.

    In the Middle East, traditional international lenders, such as the United
    States and the European Union, now face competition from Gulf funders,
    especially from wealthy Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.
    Doubts remain about these countries' commitment to follow through on their
    multi-billion-dollar pledges of assistance. Even so, just as Angola and
    Tajikistan have leveraged Chinese loans to eschew Western lenders' demands
    for reforms, so, too, have authorities in post-revolutionary Egypt used the
    prospect of securing funds from the Gulf as leverage against the IMF. Such
    new forms of assistance are reorienting the region's economic development
    away from the West, and the United States now lacks the soft power to check
    the growing power of these new rival patrons.

    The third lesson is that Central Asian elites have grown increasingly
    hostile to the West's values agenda -- promoting democracy and human rights
    -- and are now able to push back against criticism. The war on terrorism
    gave these regimes cover to build up their security services and clamp down
    on opposition. China, Russia, and the United States colluded with Central
    Asian security services to render terrorist suspects, without due process
    hearings, to and from the region. The United States claimed that the war on
    terrorism could not be constrained by international law. Russia and China
    embedded their extraterritorial actions in new regional legal frameworks
    such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's Anti-Terrorism Treaty.

    Central Asian elites regularly malign the West for practicing double
    standards on human rights, insisting that Western violations of human
    rights be as much a part of a dialogue as their own infractions. New
    regional media outlets spotlight the seeming contradictions of U.S. policy
    in different countries, further diminishing U.S. credibility and magnifying
    the costs of a hypocritical policy. Meanwhile, Central Asian nations have
    hidden their political shortcomings by hiring Western public relations
    firms and by restricting the activities of foreign-funded NGOs. In response
    to the wave of color revolutions in the mid-2000s that swept entrenched
    leaders with ties to the Kremlin out of power, Central Asian new and
    entrenched leaders alike enacted restrictive registration and funding laws
    to curtail the activities of Western-sponsored NGOs. In these efforts, they
    had strong support from Moscow and Beijing.

    Similarly, Egypt's recent clampdown on groups such as Freedom House and the
    National Democratic Institute has made for a tricky political environment
    for Western NGOs in Egypt. And in countries as diverse as Azerbaijan,
    Ethiopia, Ecuador, Panama, Russia, Uganda, and Vietnam, governments have
    recently stoked the fear of foreign interference to justify new legal
    crackdowns on civil society organizations.

    Meanwhile, the Central Asian states have created organizations that mimic
    the form, but not the function, of democratic election monitors. Since
    2005, for example, both the Russian-led Commonwealth of Independent States
    and the SCO have sent election monitoring teams to the region; their
    observers have delivered glowing assessments of obviously flawed Central
    Asian elections. Tellingly, these new election monitors do not publish
    mission guides, nor have they signed onto the United Nations' 2005 Code of
    Conduct for International Election Observers. By so doing, such groups have
    undermined Western-backed monitors and the substance of their work.

    Some commentators have called on U.S. and European policymakers to jettison
    their criticism and engagement on values issues to remain relevant as
    international partners in this emerging multipolar world. Yet, along with
    U.S. military and economic might, engagement on values is the very thing
    that has distinguished the Western-led international order -- despite all
    of its well-documented inconsistencies and shortcomings. Moreover, it is
    the prospect of Western engagement that confers developing countries
    leverage in their own uneasy dealings with emerging powers such as Russia
    and China. Downgrading or dropping normative commitments to Central Asia,
    as in other areas, in the interests of geopolitical pragmatism would signal
    Brussels and Washington's taming by the post-Western world, not its
    successful engagement with it.
