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Armenian Villages on Shaky Ground

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  • Armenian Villages on Shaky Ground

    Institute for War & Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting 655
    Aug 24 2012

    Armenian Villages on Shaky Ground

    For landslip-threatened communities, resettlement seems the only viable option.

    By Christine Aghalaryan - Caucasus

    Voghjaberd is a village without much of a future. Sitting on an area
    subject to frequent land slippage, and at risk from rocks tumbling
    down from higher ground, the houses here seem destined to collapse
    sooner or later.

    It is just a matter of time.

    Home to just over 1,000 people, this village in Armenia's central
    Kotayk region is among 230 settlements across the country that are
    located in zones prone to landslides. Voghjaberd is not particularly
    remote - it lies just 20 kilometres from the capital Yerevan.

    All the houses in Voghjaberd are now so damaged by the ground moving
    underneath them that great cracks have appeared in the walls as they
    gradually cave in.

    The slippage of land occurs at a snail's pace, but it can be
    accelerated by earthquakes in this seismically active region, by the
    heavy rains of autumn and spring, and also by human intervention.

    In Voghjaberd, the subsoil became unstable in the 1970s, coinciding
    with a well-intentioned project to bring water from the river Azat to
    supply the village.

    By the late 1980s, the slippage was more pronounced, and in the early
    1990s the village was listed as a landslip zone.

    Hayk Baghdasaryan, a senior researcher at Armenia's Institute of
    Geological Sciences who took part in a major survey conducted in
    2005-06, told IWPR that Voghjaberd sat on a particularly large risk
    area consisting of 500 hectares of clay soil that was constantly on
    the move.

    `Large rocks and blocks of stone have descended into the built-up area
    here, most probably as a result of an earthquake,' he said. `The facts
    show that these houses are in danger. If there's another earthquake,
    the rocks could fall onto the houses.'

    Voghjaberd's community centre and kindergarten have already fallen
    down, and the three village schools are in such poor shape that they
    were abandoned eight years ago. The 82 schoolchildren in the village
    attend lessons in trailers instead.

    After Harut Margaryan's house collapsed, his family found themselves
    on the street. The village authorities offered a temporary solution by
    housing them in the first-aid clinic, which was in turn relocated to a

    The accountant in Voghjaberd's local government office, Haykanush
    Babayan, told IWPR that less than a third of the farmland around the
    village was still in use. The wheat fields lie fallow, and villagers
    live off the produce they can grow on their individual land plots.
    They can mow hay in the fields, but only by hand as it is forbidden to
    use farm machinery.

    The main arterial road from Yerevan to Garni is also affected, and
    needs constant repairs to keep it in use.

    `The highway was completely repaired a week ago, but it's starting to
    disintegrate along the same section,' Babayan said. `Our village has
    no future.'

    The authorities appear to agree. There are no long-term development
    projects for the village. Residents have been exempted from paying
    land tax, though this starves local government of funds - its income
    is just over 22,000 US dollars a year, just about enough to pay staff
    wages and help a few of the poorest families.

    `It is difficult to cope with landslides,' local resident Rafik
    Rafaelyan said. `The experts say there's no point fighting landslip
    areas as large as Voghjaberd, firstly because that would eat up large
    amount of money, materials and human resources with no tangible
    results. And secondly, the possibility that the landslip would start
    up again in the could never be ruled out. It is better to resettle the
    residents little by little, and that's what is being done,'

    Village government chief Norayr Melkonyan said 140 families in
    Voghjaberd had already received state compensation packages to help
    them make the move.

    Initially, those who owned their own homes were given a one-off
    payment of ten million drams - around 25,000 dollars - depending on
    the size of their properties. Other residents were given documentation
    allowing them to claim new housing, and four families have so far
    moved into new apartments elsewhere.

    The resettlement and compensation process has been hampered by funding
    shortages. Village residents and officials have repeatedly asked
    central government for more assistance, only to be told that whenever
    funds become available, households will assessed for the risk they are
    at, and will then receive compensation packages according to a
    prioritised list.

    Village head Melkonyan said about 100 houses in Voghjaberd were
    inhabited by young couples, but they would not be eligible for
    compensation as they were officially listed as living with their

    The selective compensation rules led to situations like that of the
    Avagyan family, where one married son moved away to live on a land
    plot bought with compensation worth 10,000 dollars. The other stayed
    behind in the old house, where he now lived with his family and
    72-year-old mother.

    Edward and Nelly Zadoyan are awaiting the birth of their 14th child in
    a house they fear is in great danger because it sits on the edge of
    the village, close to the hillside. Nelly Zadoyan recalled a massive
    rock which broke off from the hillside and missed their home by a

    Nevertheless, Edward Zadoyan said the family was unable to move as
    they were not scheduled for resettlement in the near future, and there
    were other homes deemed to be at even greater risk.

    Artur Muradyan, head of the Emergency Ministry's department for
    natural disasters, explained that compensation package was paid out in
    two stages - 40 per cent when a family moved out of a condemned
    building, and the remaining 60 per cent when it was actually
    demolished. The idea was to stop people taking the money and going
    back to live in their dangerous homes.

    However, Muradyan said, even this precaution was not always effective
    - many families had taken the first part of the money and continued to
    live in Voghjaberd.

    Muradyan sits on a special commission set up by Armenia's urban
    development ministry to look into how to deal with similar communities
    across the country. Although 133 settlements have been listed as
    requiring preventive earthworks, no funds for this were allocated in
    the government budgets for this year and last. Instead, the policy
    continues to be to move people out of high-risk buildings.

    Shifts in geological structure make it especially hard to plan ahead.

    `The situation changes month by month. Once the research has been
    carried out, money will need to be found to act on the commission's
    findings,' Muradyan said. `In a few months' time, the situation won't
    be the same as it is now.'

    As for Voghjaberd, villager Rafaelyan said its past was endangered as
    well as its future.

    The local cemetery is subsiding, and he has been forced to remove his
    parents' remains to another location. Some people have moved
    relatives' remains to a newer cemetery, but that too lies within the
    landslip zone.

    Christine Aghalaryan is a correspondent for the Hetq newspaper in Armenia.

    Watch video at mpaign=57588_crseng

    From: Baghdasarian