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`Heritage' Deputy Chairman supports Armenian President's tough stand

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  • `Heritage' Deputy Chairman supports Armenian President's tough stand

    `Heritage' Deputy Chairman supports Armenian President's tough stand

    16:59, 7 September, 2012

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 7, ARMENPRESS: `Heritage' Party Deputy Chairman
    Armen Martirosyan supports the tough stand of the Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan concerning Ramil Safarov's extradition. According to
    Armenpress, on September 7 at the briefing with journalists the
    `Heritage' representative spoke on the Azerbaijani assassin Ramil
    Safarov's extradition by Hungary and its possible developments. `It is
    already clear that Azerbaijan will never give up his target to end up
    with Armenians. The recognition of Karabakh independence is the way,
    which will enable Armenia keep protecting its national interests', -
    he said.

    Concerning the local developments Armen Martirosyan said that the
    coming presidential elections are quite important in this context.
    «Though in September we will have the elections of the local
    self-governing bodies, we understand quite well that the presidential
    elections are more important», - he said. Martirosyan thinks that
    Raffi Hovhannisyan will take part in the presidential elections, but
    he is not certain if Raffi Hovhannisyan participates as an opposition
    united candidate or not. «It is possible that there will be other
    candidates, but I do not think that it makes considerable impact on
    «Heritage», - said Armen Martirosyan. Presidential elections in
    Armenia will take place in February 2013.

    Azerbaijani assassin Ramil Safarov, who axe-murdered Armenian officer
    Gurgen Margaryan while sleeping, when they were participating in NATO
    English Language Courses in Budapest, was sentenced to life
    imprisonment without right to be pardoned for 30 years. Armenia held
    up the diplomatic relations with Hungary, after Safarov was extradited
    to Azerbaijan on August 31 2012 and was pardoned by the President
    Aliyev. The international community comes with announcements
    condemning Azerbaijan's action, which contradicts the international
    legal norms. Hungary blamed Azerbaijan of breaking its promise.

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