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Tensions simmer after axe murderer's pardon

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  • Tensions simmer after axe murderer's pardon

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    Sept 8 2012

    Tensions simmer after axe murderer's pardon

    Hungary's recent extradition of a convicted axe murderer to
    Azerbaijan has caused a scandal. At home, the killer was pardoned and
    celebrated. It's rumored that Hungary and Azerbaijan brokered a deal
    for the extradition.

    The last time a diplomatic gesture made by Hungary had geopolitical
    consequences was in June 1989, when Hungary's then-foreign minister,
    Gyula Horn, and his Austrian counterpart Alois Mock cut through the
    border fence between the two countries. The gesture marked the
    beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain between East and West.

    Potentially grave consequences

    This time around, 23 years on, a diplomatic gesture made by Hungary
    could have far less positive - some even say disastrous - geopolitical
    implications. Hungary has extradited a convicted murderer to
    Azerbaijan, where he was instantly pardoned. This brought tensions
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan to a new climax and the Caucasus region
    to the verge of a new war.

    The US, the EU and NATO have taken crisis diplomacy measures in an
    attempt to prevent the worst case scenario between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan from emerging.

    Meanwhile, Hungary's government is rumored to have agreed to a foul
    deal with Azerbaijan. In return for the extradition of murderer Ramil
    Safarov, Azerbaijan is said to have promised Hungary to buy some three
    billion euros ($3.84 billion) worth of its government bonds.

    The Safarov case

    During a NATO-sponsored training session held in Budapest in 2004,
    Azeri soldier Ramil Safarov murdered a fellow Armenian course
    participant in his sleep with an axe. Safarov said the killing stemmed
    from traumatic childhood experiences in which his family was driven
    out of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan. Disputes
    over the region have put the two former Soviet republics in a state of
    war with each other for almost 25 years now. Due to the intense
    brutality of his deed, Safarov was sentenced to life in prison; and
    pardoning him would only have been possible after a minimum of 30

    Safarov has since been celebrated as a national hero in Azerbaijan,
    and Azeri diplomats tried for years to convince the Hungarian
    authorities to extradite him. The Orban government finally agreed. On
    August 31, Safarov was flown out of Hungary in an Azeri special plane.
    Some say that Azerbaijan did make a promise to Hungary at the time
    that Safarov would have to continue serving his sentence in prison.
    But no sooner had the plane arrived at Baku airport than the
    35-year-old was greeted as a hero. He was pardoned and even promoted
    to the rank of major by Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev.

    The move caused Armenia to stop all diplomatic relations instantly
    with Hungary, and Armenians abroad took to the streets worldwide in
    protest against Hungary.

    Fortunes to spend

    Azerbaijan, which has accrued significant capital with crude oil, is
    said to be planning an investment of up to three billion euros worth
    in Hungarian state obligations. Hungary could use the money. The
    country is in a dire financial situation and has been in long
    negotiations with the International Monetary Fun (IMF) about a
    possible stand-by loan - without success so far.

    Potential donors in China and Saudi Arabia denied Hungary loans not
    long ago. So could the country have turned to Azerbaijan for money?
    Both sides are denying that Baku promised to invest billions in
    Hungarian bonds in return for Safarov. However, in early August,
    Hungarian economic media outlets had already reported on a possible
    bond buying deal planned by Azerbaijan. Both countries are also in
    talks about intensifying economic cooperation.

    Hungary's leadership has since commented nonchalantly on the potential
    disaster stemming from Safarov's release. Hungary doesn't "consider
    the conflict to be of particular importance," but rather was taking
    notice of it "in calmness and optimism," said Prime Minister Viktor
    Orban on Monday (03.09.2012) in Budapest.

    Consternation and criticism

    Politicians from the Hungarian opposition and a number of independent
    observers are appalled at the government's conduct. The head of the
    Socialist Party (MSZP), Attila Mesterhazy, asked in parliament: For
    "just how much money has Viktor Orban sold Hungary?" A commentator of
    Hungarian daily "Nepszabadsag" wrote that Hungary hasn't been left
    with much of an international reputation to start with. Now, the
    country would be regarded even more suspiciously, the commentator

    While both the US and Russia voiced open criticism of Hungary's
    extradition, the EU in Brussels is holding back official comments of
    concern for now. Hungary had signed a bilateral agreement that was
    quite obviously broken by Azerbaijan, said a spokesman for the EU's
    foreign policy coordinator, Catherine Ashton, to DW.

    It's likely, though, that there's behind-the-scenes consternation in
    Brussels on Hungary's course of action, which could have a direct
    impact on the overall stability in the Caucasus region. That's what
    most observers in Hungary are concerned about, too. In an essay,
    philosopher Gaspar Miklos Tamas criticizes what he calls the "lack of
    responsibility and ignorance" demonstrated by Hungarian leaders.

    "The fact that the Hungarian state is governed by some aging
    adolescents who are aggressive, irresponsible and incapable of finding
    their way in matters that concern the world at large is simply
    appalling," he wrote.,,16227283,00.html
