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French MFA comments on Mali troops request, Turkish genocide protest

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  • French MFA comments on Mali troops request, Turkish genocide protest , France
    Sept 6 2012

    French ministry comments on Mali troops request, Turkish genocide protest note

    [Statements by Philippe Lalliot, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs, from the ministry's daily briefing with unidentified
    correspondents at the Foreign Ministry in Paris on 6 September 2012]


    [Correspondent] The announcement by a French diplomat of a request by
    Mali for West African troops to intervene in order to liberate the
    north of Mali has not been confirmed by Bamako, and the Ivorian
    Presidential Office is even saying that Mali has called for ECOWAS
    [Economic Community of West African States] assistance, but not the
    deployment of foreign comb. Has, to your knowledge, Bamako explicitly
    requested intervention by ECOWAS troops? Will the next stage take
    place before the Security Council?

    [Lalliot] The secretary-general of the Malian Presidential Office has
    confirmed President Traore's formal request to the ECOWAS countries
    for concerted action in order to help the Malian army combat terrorism
    and reconquer the north of the country. This request is a stage that
    is indispensable in order for the Security Council to authorize a
    stabilization operation in Mali. In its resolution 2056 on Mali, the
    Security Council expressed its readiness to further examine ECOWAS
    support for the stabilization of Mali once the objectives, means and
    modalities of the deployment had been specified.

    A high-level conference devoted to the Sahel, chaired by the UN
    secretary-general and aimed at increasing international mobilization,
    will take place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on 26
    September. President Hollande and the minister of foreign affairs
    [Laurent Fabius] will participate in this conference.


    [Correspondent] Have you received a protest from the Turkish Embassy
    in Paris about the place given the Armenian genocide in the history
    textbooks of French middle and high school students, and, if so, what
    is your reaction?

    [Lalliot] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did indeed receive a
    question yesterday about the content of the French school textbooks.
    We will be responding to our Turkish colleagues, in liaison with the
    Ministry of National Education.

    Source: French Foreign Ministry website, Paris, in French 0000 gmt 6 Sep 12

    From: Baghdasarian