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Stepanakert Airport To Be Launched Till Late September

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  • Stepanakert Airport To Be Launched Till Late September


    The reconstructed airport of Nagorno-Karabakh's capital, Stepanakert,
    will be put into operation until the end of September, according to
    the chief of the country's Civil Aviation Department, Dmitry Adbashyan.

    Earlier plans to launch the airport were delayed due to the summer
    period and the beginning of September.

    Speaking to, Adbasyan said the delays were linked to the
    implementation of expert proposals. A normative act elaborated by
    independent experts who conducted inspections at the airport in May
    said the construction complies with the ICAO (International Convention
    on Civil Aviation) standards.

    "The act predominantly focused on technical imperfections, i.e. what
    has to be done to eliminate the remaining shortcomings," Adeshyan

    According to him the shortcomings are now 99% overcome, with the
    Department working on legal details.

    "A second group of narrow specialists is working now, after which we
    will issue permission for putting the airport into operation," he said.

    Asked whether [Azerbaijani axe-killer] Ramil Safarov's extradition,
    pardoning and glorification as a hero, as well as the international
    alarm over the processes could serve as political motives for
    delaying further the airport's operation, he answered, "There are no
    circumstances we could turn attention to or take into consideration."

    The OSCE Minsk Group had earlier confirmed that the airport's opening
    would not affect Nagorno-Karabakh's status. It called upon the
    conflicting parties to ensure that the flights over their territories
    are carried out in accordance with the norms and principles of
    international law.

    Despite the warning, however, Azerbaijan has several times threatened,
    on the level of different officials, to shoot down the aircrafts
    flying over Karabakh.

    In May 2011, the head of the Azerbaijani State Civil Aviation
    Department, Arif Mamedov said the official Baku has a right to destroy
    the air-planes landing at the airport.

    Armenia's response came soon afterward, with President Serzh
    Sargsyan characterizing the Azerbaijani officials' statements as
    morbid fantasies.

    "The people of Nagorno-Karabakh have a right to benefit from air
    transport services," the president said, promising to be the first
    passanger to fly to Stepanakert.
