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Baku: Russian Politician Aleksey Mukhin: "The Armenian Hysterics Doe

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  • Baku: Russian Politician Aleksey Mukhin: "The Armenian Hysterics Doe


    Sept 11 2012

    "The more the world community discusses the possibility of war,
    the more it is impossible"

    "Such provocations from Georgia frequently repeated on the eve of
    August's events"

    Moscow. Farid Akbarov - APA. APA's special correspondent took an
    interview from Russian politician, director-general of Political
    Information Centre Aleksey Mukhin.

    -Today is September 11, the world community commemorates the
    anniversary of terrorist act occurred in USA on 11th. The world states
    started pursuing a join policy against terrorism after this event.

    While the struggle against terrorism is going on trough the entire
    world, the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA sent a threatening
    letter to Azerbaijani embassy in Hungary and Azerbaijanis living
    abroad, in front of the world community a week ago. How can you
    comment this?

    - I absolutely condemn this fact. I think that the law-enforcement
    bodies must take the relevant measures against this organization that
    has taken such responsibilities and now threatens innocent people.

    But, unfortunately this issue is being discussed only in mass media
    and on the political arena.

    -How can you comment on the Armenian concerns about Ramil Safarov's
    extradition to Azerbaijan and his pardoning?

    -In any case, the Armenian hysterics doesn't exculpate itself in
    political plan. It's impossible to solve the problem by means of
    hysterics. This can be proved rather simply. You can ask either
    a married woman or a man how they could they manage to solve the
    problem by such a way?

    -What can you say about the possibility of war between Azerbaijan
    and Armenia after Ramil Safarov's issue?

    -I don't consider that the latest events can influence on launching
    of war in Azerbaijan's Nagorno Karabakh region. The conflict is being
    discussed between the communities of both states. The more the world
    community discusses the war, the more it is impossible. And vice
    versa, if the communities of the both states do not discuss the war,
    the war won't occur. I think that that the war between Azerbaijan
    and Armenia won't occur in near future.

    -NATO chief Anders Fog Rasmussen paid an official visit to the South
    Caucasus last week. Rasmussen has declared that "Georgia's future
    home wil be NATO". How can you comment on it?

    -No matter Anders Fog Rasmussen serves in the post of NATO General
    Secretary, unfortunately, he doesn't make any decision of influential
    role. That's why we must esteem his visit not as a political one,
    but as a diplomatic visit. Russia considers Anders Fog Rasmussen as
    a repeater from the official point of view. So, of course, we must
    consider his decisions, but not take them seriously.

    -How can you evaluate the latest events on Azerbaijan-Georgia border?

    -I don't unambiguously accept these events, because we faced the
    number of provocations from Georgia recently. Such provocations from
    Georgia repeated very frequently and on the eve of August's events
    in 2008. Everyone knows what has happened in the end. That's why
    Russia follows these events very attentively. The situation on the
    border and in sub-border places is kept under Russian control. It's
    very difficult to comment on these events, because the latest events
    can't be evaluated ambiguously. I consider that Russia doesn't want
    to participate in Georgian provocations.

    -What can you say about the Russia and Georgia relations in the
    near future?

    -The Russian-Georgia relations will depend on the result of Georgian
    elections in the near future. Unfortunately, Russia doesn't have such a
    power to influence on Georgian elections. That's why Russia is either
    ready for the restoration of normal mutual relations with Georgia,
    or a more extreme continuation of it.
