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BAKU: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Visited Gabala To Discuss Bilat

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  • BAKU: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Visited Gabala To Discuss Bilat


    Sept 12 2012

    GABALA. September 12, 2012: Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    is on an official visit to Azebaijan. Today, the Azerbaijani president
    Ilham Aliyev received the Turkish prime minister in northwestern
    Azerbaijani region of Gabala. The official sources reported that
    the parties discussed Garabagh problem and the Azerbaijani president
    Ilham Aliyev thanked Erdogan for Turkey's continued support for the
    Azerbaijani positions at the peace talks.

    The presidents then held a joint press conference.

    A special place in the talks belonged to the issue of economic
    cooperation, with the priority at the energy sector. "After the meeting
    in Izmir important events happened; we signed an agreement on the
    draft TANAP, which has received a lot of support in the international
    arena. I hope that it will be implemented in 5 years and Azerbaijani
    gas will go through Turkey to Europe," said Aliyev.

    Another important project is the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad. Some
    neighboring countries and partners want to join this project and it
    is a very positive development, Aliyev said.

    Another issue discussed was the military-technical cooperation;
    in this field there has been a great promotion in recent years.

    Negotiations on all these issues were a success and the discussions
    were held with full understanding and support to each other, said

    The Turkish prime minister said the current annual volume of trade
    between Azerbaijan and Turkey stood at $ 3.5 billion, in 2015 it will
    reach 5 billion, and by 2020 this figure will reach $ 20 billion.

    The Turkish prime minister said he recognized the importance of the
    development of economic cooperation on the project TANAP. He also
    cited the joint TASMUS project involved in the field of defense

    The railroad between Nakhchivan and Igdir will be also important
    because it will connect these border regions of the two countries,
    Erdogan said.

    During the press briefing, Ilham Aliyev was asked about the possibility
    of lifting the visa regime for citizens of Turkey. Aliyev said that
    the topic was discussed and the sides decided "to gradually achieve
    this goal." Thus, for certain categories of people - businessmen,
    scientists and famous figures special treatment will be applied. After
    settling internal procedures and mechanisms Turkish citizens will be
    able to visit Azerbaijan without a visa.

    On the question of TANAP, Aliyev said that this project is open to
    third countries that may share in it.

    As to the further route of gas after Turkey, it can go to Europe
    via Bulgaria or Greece. These are technical issues and now SOCAR
    is discussing them with its partners "to choose the safest and most
    cost-effective route," said Aliyev.

    In conclusion, Erdogan was asked about Ankara's position on the
    Karabakh conflict settlement and the probability of opening the border
    with Armenia. The Turkish Prime Minister said that until a solution
    of the conflict is found "and the issue of release of one or two
    areas is resolved, the issue of opening the borders can not stand."

    "Our position is that Armenians must withdraw from all the occupied
    territories, and we will continue to support Azerbaijan and its just
    position," concluded Erdogan (Turan). mid=53
