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Istanbul: Study Reveals 61 Percent Of Turks Don'T Want Refugees In C

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  • Istanbul: Study Reveals 61 Percent Of Turks Don'T Want Refugees In C


    Cihan News Agency (CNA)
    September 11, 2012 Tuesday

    ISTANBUL (CIHAN)- A recently released study conducted by the Barem
    Research Company and its global collaborator WIN/Gallup International
    Association has revealed that 61 percent of Turks do not want refugees
    in their country.

    With a recent increase in the number of illegal immigrants and of
    refugees seeking shelter from unrest in their own countries, or due to
    natural disasters, such as earthquakes or famine, Barem Research has
    conducted a study titled "The Views of People on Global Immigration"
    to determine the way people regard migration across the world.

    The study was conducted with the participation of 1,000 people in
    Turkey and a total of 50,000 people from 59 countries. According to
    the study, 38 percent of people around the globe consider migration
    negative and do not like immigrants, while 34 percent of people are
    positive about migration.

    In Turkey, the perception of migrants is highly negative in terms of
    the global figures. According to the study, 61 percent of participants
    in Turkey said they did not want refugees in their country, with only
    15 percent stating that they would invite migrants into their country.

    The remaining 24 percent had no strong positive or negative feelings
    about the issue.

    However, while Turks proved generally negative about migrants in their
    country, they are among the nationalities most prone to migration
    themselves. Turkey sends the third-highest volume of migrants to other
    countries worldwide, and, considered on a per capita basis, Turkey
    is at the top of this list. Over 6.5 million people from Turkey, a
    country with a population of over 72 million, live in other countries
    around the globe, in particular Germany.

    According to data from the Turkish Statistics Institute (TurkStat),
    around 3 million more people entered Turkey to live than left to live
    abroad between 2000 and 2011.

    The study also reveals that the high rate of migration is largely
    due to financial causes. Most migrants leave their countries to
    live in another country in order to have access to better economic

    Nigeria is the country that is most supportive of migration, the study
    suggests, followed by Pakistan and Armenia. Countries least favorable
    to global migration are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey.

    According to data from the International Migration Research Center
    (UGAM), the country that sends the highest number of migrants abroad
    is China, with 55 million people living outside the country, followed
    by India, with 35 million emigrants. India is followed by Turkey with
    6.5 million emigrants.

    (Cihan/Today's Zaman) CIHAN
