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Witness Of Murder Not Questioned

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  • Witness Of Murder Not Questioned

    04:21 pm | Today | Social

    In Armenia the review of the case of a person sentenced to life in
    prison depends on the will of only one man. This man is Serzh Sargsyan.

    "All the cases have been placed under a taboo," said Vahagn Manukyan,
    lawyer of the convict Mher Yenokyan sentenced to life in prison.

    The defense lawyer came to this conclusion after the prosecutors
    refused to investigate new evidence in the case. The evidence proves
    the innocence of the convict.

    According to the lawyer, he submitted an 18-page application with
    various facts and documents to the Office of Prosecutor General.

    However, the refusal was a one-page answer without any substantiation.

    Let us remind that in 1996, the 20-year-old student of the Medical
    Academy Mher Yenokyan was sentenced to death, but in 2003 his death
    sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. He is charged with killing
    a course mate.

    Lawyer Vahagn Manukyan today reminded once again that his client has
    stated for 17 years that he did not commit the murder.

    Armine Harutyunyan, the sister of Aram Harutyunyan who was convicted
    in connection with that case but is now at large, was an eyewitness of
    the murder. However, neither investigators nor judges questioned her.

    In the lawyer's opinion, it is a serious negligence: the witness of
    the murder must be questioned.

    By the way, Mher Yenokyan will appeal to the European Court of Human
    Right against the 2003 decree of Robert Kocharyan, by which his death
    sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
