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Hungarian Expert: Hungarian People Stand Not By Government But By Gr

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  • Hungarian Expert: Hungarian People Stand Not By Government But By Gr


    The world must know that in the question of Ramil Safarov the
    Hungarian, Christian people stand not by the government, but by the
    gravestone and the family of the murdered Christian Armenian soldier,
    Gurgen Makaryan, Peter Farkas Zarug, a Hungarian political analyst
    and Assistant University Professor, told

    "In Hungary the foreign policy of the second Orban cabinet has
    arrived at its final bankruptcy. The Hungarian nation does not want
    blood money for the Armenian serviceman, it abhors the promise of a
    fistful of dollars,"he said.

    The analyst said that there is no one today in the civilized Christian
    world, who receives not with acute embarrassment or loud denunciation
    the act of the muddle-headed, blundering Hungarian Foreign Office in
    returning Major Ramil Safarov to his home in Azerbaijan.

    "The Foreign Affairs' vacuous excuses and the sheepish presentation
    on behalf of the Orban cabinet of a memorandum to the Azerbaijani
    ambassador in Budapest, all aim to prove that from Janos Martonyi
    to Zsolt Nemeth, from Peter Szíjjarto to Viktor Orban everyone was
    convinced that the Azeris will keep Safarov in prison until the end
    of his life. They are trying to make us, Hungarians, the Christian
    nations of the world and the Armenians of the world believe that
    they trusted the Azeri promise that the ax murderer will be treated
    as guilty and subject to due punishment," said he.

    In his opinion, following the 2004 language training course within the
    NATO Partnership for Peace, during one night of which an Azeri officer
    hostile to Armenia executed in his sleep the Armenian serviceman,
    official participant at the event, it became clear that Hungary had
    no extradition agreement with Azerbaijan and for a crime committed
    on its territory, Safarov was to face trial for murder in Hungary.

    "Besides, Safarov could not be repatriated for trial, since due to
    the state of war with Armenia, his act would not be regarded as a
    crime by Azerbaijan. Bearing in mind the above, according to the
    code of practice and rules of international law, the sentence also
    needed to be enforced and served on the territory where the crime was
    committed, i.e in Hungary. The international judicial interdiction of
    extraditing Safarov thus did not only apply to the trial stage of the
    case, but also to the duration of serving the sentence," said Zarug.

    As he said, in the spirit of eastern opening and in pursuit of sources
    for the external financing of Hungarian state debt, in his second
    premiership Viktor Orban has already paid two visits to Azerbaijan.

    "He has been in negotiations with President Ilham Aliyev - son of
    Heydar Aliyev, the communist ex-KGB boss promoted to president -
    who pardoned Safarov the minute his plane landed in Baku. He rewarded
    the ax murderer with a new apartment, promotion and back-dated wages,
    while the Azeri foreign office expressed its gratitude to the Orban
    cabinet for more than a year's fruitful co-operation," he added.

    The analyst said that, of course, in Hungary each played the same tune,
    that the silver piece is not his, he struck no deal, nor indeed was
    there ever a word uttered around the dinner tables laden with Eastern
    wealth and arrows of irony aimed at EU bureaucrats about a fistful
    of dollars. Albeit only a week earlier it was the Orban-leadership
    itself that boasted in its media that it was on the brink of a three
    billion government bond agreement with Azerbaijan.

    He wonders whether the government correctly assesses that this is in
    the longer-term interest of Hungary, for which it is worth swallowing
    this 'tiny' bitter pill. How long can one impute interests to again and
    again trample underfoot their moral fundaments, only because there are
    some who - following today's increasingly confused Hungarian foreign
    policy directions - assert that: this is the Hungarian interest!

    "No! The interest of the Hungarian people - with or without the
    expected Azeri billions - would have been that the Hungarian state
    defends its sovereignty and Safarov complete his prison sentence in
    Hungary. It was not a Hungarian interest to be branded as Judas by the
    entire Christian civilization. It was not in our interest to be made
    the laughing stock of the international community of nations. No! All
    well-intentioned Hungarians, Armenians, Christians, Europeans and
    democrats are united in their protest against this. This is alien to
    our civilisation," the expert added.

    From: Baghdasarian