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International Aspect Of "Budapest Meanness"

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  • International Aspect Of "Budapest Meanness"

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:45:01 - 07/09/2012

    The tough and decisive reaction of the U.S. to Budapest's "meanness"
    can be explained by the wish of the administration to direct the
    moods of the Armenian voters ahead of the presidential elections. In
    addition, it is not so important for B. Obama and H. Clinton to
    have the Armenian votes but to rule out any criticism of their
    behavior regarding recognition of the Armenian genocide described as
    hypocritical and "forgetful".

    But the U.S. pursued a large scope of aims and tasks. Under different
    administrations the U.S. has never missed any chance to show its
    leading partners in Europe and the European Union in general the
    incompleteness and handicap of that organization, discrepancy of
    declared principles with real politics and positions.

    >From time to time, we can see jealousy in the work of the Armenian
    diplomats towards the concept of "system of values" which the
    Europeans try to usurp presenting it as a product of exceptionally
    European life. On the contrary, Americans try to show that the American
    intellectual, political and social culture is the source of the Western
    "system of values".

    Such fundamental pretensions to the analyses of the "Budapest"
    situation cannot be considered as abstruse reasoning. The U.S.

    politics has failed more than once in regard to different European
    states, for example, Germany related to the past developments, or
    even Vatican with its different problems of ethical and political
    character. This is but a method of pressure and management of Europe
    and there is nothing new about it.

    It is hard to say whether the U.S. was informed about the upcoming
    meanness in Budapest but it is not even important. In terms of
    its political resources this incident is quite universal and easily
    projectable because of which it was so rapidly taken into the reserve
    of the American foreign policy. This time the Americans literally
    pushed the Europeans into a nasty environment, demonstrating the
    failure of the European Union as a democratic and legal "field" and
    "pillar" for the world politics.

    At the same time, the U.S. carries out certain common tasks which
    were tried out in the past decade in Turkey on Azerbaijan. In other
    words, the U.S. is quite interested in maximum blocking and isolation
    of Azerbaijan in international politics, not only in Russia's and
    Iran's direction but also in regard to the Western community. But
    the first goal to be pursued is to keep a distance between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. This handy scenario has been worked out and analyzed and
    a simple reader of political articles can understand it.

    The U.S. has set clearly the functions and tasks of the South Caucasus
    countries (including not only the three countries), and Azerbaijan
    is assigned to certain functions that should not be obstructed by
    its foreign political goals and ambitions. Azerbaijan should feel
    sufficiently dependent on the U.S. and the U.S., not Turkey, is
    considered the guarantor of its independence, welfare and existence.

    For example, in regard to Georgia or Armenia, the U.S. is interested
    in the discourse of international relations in the Western direction.

    Azerbaijan is the only state of the South Caucasus which has such
    a close and conditioned ally like Turkey, and so this factor should
    be possibly eliminated. The political disgrace of Azerbaijan is one
    of the tasks of not only the U.S. but also its close partners Great
    Britain, Israel and even the European community in general the purpose
    of which is to make Azerbaijan obey their interests.

    In this connection, the European states and the European Union
    have found themselves in an ambiguous situation. On the one hand,
    "surrendering" Hungary would mean to admit their political and legal
    bankruptcy but Azerbaijan can be rendered an international outsider and
    forced to obey the interests of Europe. In this situation, the real
    position of the European Union was not expressed by the structures
    of the Union or France but Great Britain which did not react at all.

    In this situation, Armenia's agreement to cancel this problem would be
    an unforgivable position. A very productive situation is in place and
    there is no need to fear politicization or exaggeration of different
    initiatives. Armenia has an important function of ensuring the balance
    of power in the South Caucasus, as well as in the "containment"
    of regional expansion of Turkey. This is enough for a small country.

    Armenia is supported and sustained by the great powers due to which
    serious contradictions have occurred, therefore the strategy of this
    game is interesting.

    But the political leadership of Armenia should not allow itself to
    be deceived by the bearers of selfish and self-centered personal and
    group interests in the political establishment, which is a bugbear.

    There will come a time when the political leadership of Armenia
    will be very sorry that it did not want to take full advantage of
    this situation. The decision has already been made, and, apparently
    the follow-up will be determined proceeding from the process but the
    process itself can be easily diminished and deceived by promises of
    "positive image". This is a barefaced lie and this politicking cannot
    go on.
