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Europe Ready To Pay

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  • Europe Ready To Pay

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 15:31:23 - 13/09/2012

    The EU Special Envoy to the South Caucasus Philippe Lefort told Serzh
    Sargsyan the arrangements for the donor conference are underway. It
    was such important news for the president that his press service
    placed it at the beginning of the official press release.

    The news is important indeed because it is obvious that the change
    of foreign partners or diversification is expensive. Armenia cannot
    just discard the Russian direction and end its economic dependence
    on Russia without external support.

    Meanwhile, if the government of Armenia conducted a balanced economic
    policy, did not enrich the rich and did not hinder investments,
    everything could be done without external support.

    And now we have what we have, and if Russia decides to boost the
    price for gas and railway, demands more assets in return for its one
    billion loan, Armenia will need money for ransom. And the only hope
    is the donor conference.

    Furthermore, the Armenian government needs money not only for that.

    The country is facing a complicated financial and economic situation.

    Next year we will have to repay half a billion dollars debt and
    officials of the ministry of finance confess they are looking for
    new loans. With a clever expression on the face, they tell the public
    that having debts is normal. They pretend as if they do not know how
    many people have sold their property and left Armenia to repay their
    loans to banks. The same destiny awaits Armenia.

    However, the Armenian authorities need more loans or better more grants
    to become rich. They want to ride expensive cars, enrich their banks,
    dine in restaurants and buy clothes for their daughters from expensive
    boutiques. For the sake of this they are ready to send people into
    the web of new debts.

    Nevertheless, the West has decided to allocate some money, perhaps
    before the presidential election because in autumn Russia may start
    economic blackmail of Armenia. Although Tigran Sargsyan says there
    is no invitation to join the Eurasian Union yet, it will be sent soon.

    Modern Armenian mentality differs by its respect for hierarchy. Even
    Christianity with its concept of equality was unable to uproot
    the Eastern belief that God decides the place of everyone in the
    hierarchy. In the government everyone is looking for someone standing
    higher on the career scale to obey him or her. Our state policy is
    based on this attitude. We are always looking for someone who will
    give us money to justify our servility later.

    Nation states are strong when they feel equal. Without equality there
    is no freedom and without freedom there is no welfare.
