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Does Pm Have Right To Run Business?

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  • Does Pm Have Right To Run Business?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:26:20 - 11/09/2012

    The activities of the Arstakh-based civil initiative called
    Constitutional Artsakh should start with the assessment of the economic
    policy of the government which has recently resigned. Within the next
    10 days the new government will be appointed. Karabakh is actively
    discussing now whether the young premier Ara Harutyunyan will be

    During five years of office Ara Harutyunyan has received a lot of
    negative assessments. He is blamed for the economic failures and
    injustice and not President Bako Sahakyan, though it is evident
    that the young prime minister could hardly have a high level of

    Anyway, the premier is accused of having appropriated real estate and
    agricultural businesses, enterprises which are opened on ~Scharity
    investments~T of Artsakh~Rs friends. Ara Harutyunyan gives himself the
    reasons for such accusations: after the opening of the oil wringing
    factory in summer, he said on television that he had proposed many
    people to ~Stake~T the factory, but no one wanted, so he had to
    take it.

    Besides, at the summarizing press conference, Ara Harutyunyan,
    answering the question of Radio Liberty that people complain about
    the fact that the Prime Minister owns private business, he said that
    he has always been a successful businessman and was surprised that
    he was accused of running business. ~SPeople forget that before the
    appointment as the Prime Minister, I was one of the largest business
    taxpayers and landowners in Karabakh. These lands are handled today
    too~T, he said.

    He stated that for the next five years Artsakh will develop on account
    of the mining industry. Mines in Tsaghkashen, Kovsakan and Shahumyan
    are under development.

    Is Karabakh happy with such economic perspective? To give the subsoil
    to private owners and be satisfied with the taxes, which they will pay,
    recognize the right of state officials to run business and ~Stale~T
    the new enterprises. In exchange, they will have ~Scheap~T loans
    in the banks to purchase elite apartments which have been built in
    Stepanakert in abundance.

    The issue is not Ara Harutyunyan, who could work in a completely
    different way if the assignments were different. The issue is the
    tasks and the economic course of the state.

    Apparently, Artsakh people have refused the concept of state property.
    The privatization of everything, has led to the situation when high
    level of officials, public and military, became owners of real estate
    and enterprises. The privatization was led for peanuts, selectively.
    But this is in the past.

    Now, this policy is continued in the most predatory way: state subsoil
    is given to private people without tenders and other ~Sformalities~T
    and the state does not even own assets. Enterprises, which are opened
    on account of ~Scharity investments~T, somehow appeared in the hands
    of individuals, again high level officials. In the result, the profit
    from these enterprises goes to the pockets of private people, bypassing
    the state budget.

    The NKR parliament should give an assessment to these phenomena
    and to adopt a law balancing the officials and the state, or to
    defend national goods and state property. The initiative of such an
    assessment should be assumed by the MPs of the Constitutional Artsakh
    civil initiative. It~Rs good there are two MPs in this initiative.

    From: A. Papazian