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Anahid Association On Safarov's Extradition And Pardon

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  • Anahid Association On Safarov's Extradition And Pardon


    As the Azerbaijani criminal Lt.Ramil Sahib Safarov who had hacked to
    death a fellow Armenian officer, Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep on
    26th September 2004 in Budapest Hungary while both officers were on an
    English teaching course organised by the NATO Partnership for Peace
    Programme, was sentenced to life imprisonment, then was extradited
    to his homeland Azerbaijan on Friday 31st August 2012 to serve the
    remaining of his sentence of 25 years, but upon arrival in Baku he
    was set free and was declared a Hero of the Azerbaijani nation by the
    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev, we The Anahid Association wish to make
    the following statement:

    We hold the Hungarian government accountable for its unlawful actions
    in extraditing a criminal to his homeland where all indications were
    that this was a murder committed because of the ethnicity of the victim
    and in view of the hatred of the Azerbaijanis for the Armenians the
    murderer would be set free. We believe that the Hungarian government
    MUST apologize to the Armenian Nation and insist on having the criminal
    return to Hungary and serve the rest of his sentence in jail.

    We deplore and condemn the actions of the Azeri President Ilham
    Aliyev for setting free a convicted criminal and declaring him a
    national hero.

    We as Armenian Women, most of us Mothers of youngsters whom we
    strive to educate and bring up with high moral ethics, decency and
    responsibility for their actions and knowledge of Right and Wrong,
    CALL on Azeri Women and Mothers to urge their government to send
    back the criminal who hacked to death a man, while he was asleep, but
    despite his horrific crime, has been declared a national hero, making
    the world believe that murder and killing is the norm in Azerbaijan,
    that all Azeri youngsters are criminals and that all Azeri Mothers
    have failed in their duty and their mission.

    We believe that no Mother should suffer what Gurgen Margaryan's mother
    is suffering from the loss of her child.

    We believe that no Mother should suffer what Ramil Sahib Safarov's
    mother is suffering, knowing that her son is a killer.

    From: Baghdasarian