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BAKU: Azerbaijan Views Armenia As "First Target" Over Karabakh - Pre

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Views Armenia As "First Target" Over Karabakh - Pre


    Sept 11 2012

    The Azerbaijani president has said that Armenia is his country's
    "first target" because of the Karabakh territorial conflict between the
    two. Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan will continue to isolate Armenia
    from international and regional projects and that "the liberation
    of the occupied territories remains the most-priority issue" in his
    country's domestic and foreign policies. He said there is not enough
    international "impact" on Armenia and that Azerbaijan "must restore
    its territorial integrity". He also said that the world supports Baku's
    position but the OSCE Minsk Group, which mediates a peaceful solution
    to the conflict, has failed to settle it, which means Azerbaijan
    "must become more powerful". Private APA news agency, which carried
    Aliyev's remarks in English on 11 September, did not specify where he
    had made the remarks. The following is the text of report; subheadings
    inserted editorially:

    Baku, 11 September: "The occupation of our territories is a main
    problem for Azerbaijan. Our lands were occupied as a result of
    aggression and invader policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan," said
    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

    Not enough world impact on Armenia

    The president said that this issue remains unsolved because of the
    supporters of Armenia. This issue cannot be solved: "Though, there
    are all opportunities and legal base for the solution. International
    organizations adopted orders and resolutions. Heads of the leading
    countries announced that the current situation is unbearable and
    'status quo' must be changed. Unfortunately, Armenia remains
    indifferent in these challenges and the international community
    does not sufficiently impact them, that is why, the problem remains
    unsolved. We will further strengthen our country and international
    positions. There are sufficiently many legal bases for the settlement
    of the conflict and these bases defend and support the position of
    Azerbaijan. The UN, UN Security Council, OSCE, Council of Europe,
    European Parliament and other international organizations adopted
    orders and these orders are the only way of the settlement."

    Azerbaijan won't change position on Karabakh settlement

    The head of state underlined that all countries recognize the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and that this problem can be
    solved within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan: "Azerbaijan
    won't change its position on the solution of the issue; we will not
    give up our way. Nagornyy Karabakh is a historical and eternal land
    of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan must restore its territorial integrity. The
    invaders must be withdrawn from the occupied territories and will be
    withdrawn. [Displaced] citizens of Azerbaijan must return back to their
    native lands and they will return. Our compatriots will return back to
    the regions situated outside the administrative borders of autonomous
    province of Nagornyy Karabakh and Nagornyy Karabakh itself, Xankandi,
    Susa. I believe in this and there are many factors that make me to
    be sure: international law, economic power of Azerbaijan and growing
    image of Azerbaijan in political sphere. We can see the successes of
    Azerbaijan by looking at the history of one year. We are a member
    of the best respected international organization - the UN Security
    Council. We chaired this organization several months ago. We joined
    them with the support of 155 countries.

    Non-Aligned Movement

    "One-hundred and twenty countries - members of the Non-Aligned
    Movement supported resolutions reflecting the solution of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict within territorial integrity of the Azerbaijani
    Republic. One-hundred and twenty countries make the majority of the
    international community. In some cases we hear the conception of the
    international community and some communities, organizations consider
    themselves as the international community when they use the term. The
    essence that the international world is neither the unity of 20, nor
    30 states. The UN is an international community which includes 155
    countries and all of them support us. The Non-Aligned Movement is also
    an international community. This movement includes 120 countries. They
    support us too. This means that the international community supports
    our position and of course, this gives us additional possibilities
    and increases our belief.

    International mediators have failed to resolve Karabakh conflict

    "At the same time the Minsk Group was especially established 20
    years ago in order to solve this conflict, but it has not been able
    to settle this issue, it is not able to show the necessary impact on
    Armenia to achieve its aim. We observe that this issue maybe solved
    by Azerbaijan by using force and it can find its solution. That is why
    we must become more powerful. We must strengthen the Azerbaijani army
    and this process is successfully being continued. The Azerbaijani army
    is currently one of the most powerful armies of the world, and not
    only in the region. We move our country forward by strengthening its
    economy. It creates opportunity to pursue an independent policy in the
    world arena. That's why we pass the decisions in foreign and domestic
    policy, which meet the requirements of our own interests. Strong
    Azerbaijan is the main factor in the region. This is also a factor for
    stability in the region, at the same time, it's impossible to consider
    regional issues without the opinion of Azerbaijan. Attempts of passing
    relevant decisions without the opinion of Azerbaijan have not produced
    any result and the last event distinctly reflected this. That's why
    the stronger Azerbaijan is, the faster it will be able to restore
    its territorial integrity.

    Armenia "first target"

    We have a clear position concerning this issue. I have expressed my
    opinion dealing with this issue for several times. All the occupied
    territories of Azerbaijan must be liberated form the invader, then
    peace, cooperation may be restored in the region and the source of
    security can be established. Our lands are still under occupation,
    that's why our first target is Armenia. We will continue isolating
    Armenia from all the international and regional projects. This policy
    gives its results and the difficult position of Armenian economy
    was the result of the policy carried out by Azerbaijan. This is
    unambiguous. According to the official statistics declared by Armenia,
    80,000 people left the country in the first half of the year. I
    think that this figure will be doubled at the end of the year. The
    population of Azerbaijan is growing and this figure will be seriously
    increased in 5-10 years in comparison with today's index. These factors
    must make Armenians realize the current situation. The difficult
    economic and demographic position of Armenia and its isolation
    from all international and regional projects must concern them. But
    Azerbaijan is going forward. Although Azerbaijani territories are
    under the occupation, we achieve much success in the sphere and such
    steps will be continued. Azerbaijan has recently taken the 46th place
    [in the world] and the first place among CIS countries according to
    the ability demonstrated in the competition between the world states
    at Davos World Economical Forum. Our work shows its results. We want
    the restoration of fairness and will be able to achieve our aims. The
    liberation of the occupied territories remains the most-priority issue
    that is put into the agenda of both domestic and foreign policy. We
    do our best and we will continue our work to achieve our goals.
