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Authorities Made to Change

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  • Authorities Made to Change

    Authorities Made to Change

    Arman Galoyan
    Story from News:

    Published: 10:47:41 - 21/09/2012

    Interview with Stepan Safaryan, vice-president of the Heritage Party

    During the meeting with the ministers, Serzh Sargsyan said dissatisfied
    with the prime minister and said he had warned him about it for four years.
    Why did he reappoint him prime minister if he was dissatisfied with his

    I think the reason is the elections. No country would like such changes
    prior to the elections. Especially when the parliamentary elections are
    followed by the presidential ones and it's the case in Armenia. This is the
    only explanation.

    Will Sargsyan make any changes though? Or was that meeting just a show?

    I think there will be some changes because I feel that the authorities
    understand that the internal resources of the country are not enough to
    hold on to power. They also understand that they may receive foreign
    financial support for some reforms. So this is the reason of the
    pre-election criticism of the system and kickbacks.

    At what level will the changes happen?

    I can't say anything about the deepness of changes. It has been 20 years
    deep changes happen. So, it is hard to say. But if any other government was
    in the place of this one, it would have to make changes due to the
    negotiations with the EU.

    Do you expect the resignation of the prime minister?

    It is difficult to predict. But one thing is certain. Serzh Sargsyan
    considers Tigran Sargsyan as one of the core members of his team. He will
    not change him before the elections, but afterwards I don't exclude such

    At yesterday's meeting of government, Tigran Sargsyan fired the head of
    the State Procurement Agency for mismanagement. Will other changes at this
    level follow?

    To be honest, I don't think these are steps aimed at election propaganda.
    Apparently, during the parliamentary elections they failed to persuade the
    society to trust them and now they should take specific actions and not to
    forget the Republican slogan `Believe to change'. Yes, there are electoral
    moods but there is an objective need for change, otherwise the government
    will be unable to keep the country.

    Do you believe in the sincerity of the authorities?

    I have no issue of believing or not the authorities. I build my judgments
    on the reality in and outside Armenia. I'm saying that these factors will
    make the authorities make changes sooner or later.
