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President Hollande of France sends Independent Day greetings to Arme

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  • President Hollande of France sends Independent Day greetings to Arme

    President Hollande of France sends Independent Day greetings to Armenia
    21.09.2012 18:18

    President of the Republic of France Francoise Hollande sent
    Independence Day greetings to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. The
    message reads, in part:

    `Honorable Mr. Presidnet,
    I'm glad to convey my greetings to you and the Armenian people on the
    occasion of your National Day and wish you happiness, prosperity and

    Armenia can be proud of the path it has passed ever since
    independence. Your country has succeeded to move forward on the path
    of democracy and prosperity, at the same time consolidating its
    positions on the international arena.

    The special relations between Armenia and France are rooted deep into
    history and are remarkable for the friendship between the Armenian and
    French peoples. I'm willing to continue the mission launched 20 years
    ago to build rich and reliable relations in all spheres without

    I avail myself of the opportunity to welcome your willingness to
    continue the negotiations on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict. As co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, France attaches great
    importance to this.

    I'm looking forward to hosting you in Paris in the near future and I'm
    glad for another chance to continue our discussions.

    Please, accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my highest consideration."
