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The Car of the Local Administration Is Used for Other Purposes

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  • The Car of the Local Administration Is Used for Other Purposes

    The Car of the Local Administration Is Used for Other Purposes
    September 22, 2012 13:28

    On September 20, an extraordinary meeting of the Voskepar community
    council, region of Tavush, took place at the request of 4 out of its
    5 members. The members of the council

    expressed their protest against using the public service car of the
    local administration, VAZ 2107, for personal purposes.

    The members of the council also stated that they were afraid that the
    public service vehicle would be used in Voskepar for bringing voters
    to polling stations on the day of local elections, September 23.

    Shortly after the meeting, that public service car left for Yerevan.
    Amram Aghbalyan, the driver, is long-standing Republican Party of
    Armenia (RPA) leader Amram Aghbalyan's father's uncle's grandson.
    Being a graduate of a technical college (he graduated from a radio
    engineering college), he directs the village house of culture and
    works as a driver. Having a personal car, that day he went to Yerevan
    driving the public service car to bring his mother who was coming from
    Russia to participate in the September 23 election to Voskepar.

    At the council meeting, the council members also raised the issue of
    purposefully using the 3 million AMD contributed by businessman
    Mikayel Vardanyan to renovate and furnish the Voskepar house of
    culture. The village headman said that they would come back to this
    issue after the September 23 election.

    The council members said that many workers of the village
    administration were the relatives of village headman Hrush Aghbalyan.
    Ishkhan Aghbalyan, the deputy village headman, is Hrush Aghbalyan's
    father's uncle's son, the accountant of the village administration is
    Ishkhan's wife and librarian Nara Siradeghyan is the village headman's
    uncle's daughter-in-law.

    We called Hrush Aghbalyan, the headman of Voskepar, to get an
    explanation regarding these issues, however, he didn't answer our
    calls, then he became temporarily unreachable.

    Voskan SARGSYAN

    From: A. Papazian