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Mayor Rosamilia confirms Armenian Heritage Memorial will be in River

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  • Mayor Rosamilia confirms Armenian Heritage Memorial will be in River

    Troy Record, NY
    Sept 23 2012

    Mayor Rosamilia confirms Armenian Heritage Memorial will be in Riverfront Park

    Published: Sunday, September 23, 2012
    By Ian Benjamin

    TROY - County legislator and former mayor Harry Tutunjian has voiced
    his opposition to the possible relocation of a planned monument
    commemorating the Armenian genocide from Riverfront Park to Frear

    While there had been previous reservations, at the end of last week
    co-chair Ralph Enokian was contacted by Mayor Lou Rosamilia and
    informed that the Armenian Heritage Memorial would be placed on the
    previously consecrated ground north of the Vietnam Memorial. The
    memorial will be created and installed by Grethen-Cahringer Memorials
    of Lansingburgh.

    The decision comes after years of tension between the city and the committee.

    `There have been years of work to make this memorial a reality,' said
    Tutunjian, who represents the city of Troy on the legislature.

    The memorial effort was conceived, and has been spear-headed by, the
    Knights and Daughters of Vartan, a fraternal Armenian service
    organization. They formed the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument
    Committee in 2005, which has been working to place a memorial in the
    city's vicinity, stating that Troy and its environs have been the
    locale of the largest Armenian community in the region.

    The memorial will reflect the positive contributions their community
    has made to Troy and the capital region, and would serve to honor
    victims of the Armenian Genocide, as well as those of all genocides.
    That extermination, resulting in 1 to 1.5 million Armenian deaths,
    caused the growth of the present day Armenian diaspora community in
    America, including that now residing in and around Troy.

    Shortly after the committee undertook the memorial project seven years
    ago, the Troy City Council passed a resolution authorizing the
    monument, but did not specify an intended site. Yet the committee has
    hoped the $15,000 monument would find a home in Riverfront Park, and
    were prepared to place the memorial on the northernmost end of the
    park several years ago. However, then-Mayor Tutunjian urged them to
    wait, so as to more fully incorporate the memorial as part of a $1.75
    million state grant redevelopment project targeting the park. This
    delay caused tension between the group and the city, and the committee
    began contemplating other local parks.

    `We looked at Frear Park, Beman Park' and others, said Rafi Topalian,
    a committee member. Those parks, due to a variety of reasons, were
    found unfitting by the committee.

    In 2010, the committee's hopes for the memorial by the river grew with
    the inclusion of the monument in the preliminary plans for Riverfront
    Park, compiled in September of that year. Further strengthening those
    hopes was the monument's inclusion in the master plan and first phase,
    compiled in March of last year, which was then cemented when the mayor
    at the time, Harry Tutunjian - who is an Armenian-American himself - sent
    an August letter giving the city administration's word that the
    memorial would find a place in the northern end of the park.

    In the community's eyes, the letter guaranteed the monument would be
    placed in Riverfront and thus would be located in the heart of
    downtown and seen by the thousands that pass through the park during
    the various concerts and major city events held there. With this
    understanding, last December the Genocide Memorial Committee organized
    a ground ceremony that consecrated the ground where the monument will
    be placed.

    In July, however, the new city administration under Mayor Lou
    Rosamilia, who attended the consecration ceremony, met with Armenian
    community leaders and put forth the possibility of moving the monument
    to Frear Park near the Oakwood neighborhood. The Armenian community
    wasn't been pleased.

    `We didn't take that too well,' Topalian said, explaining that the
    ground had already been consecrated, and that the committee considered
    the agreement with the previous administration `a contract' with the

    Since early in the 20th century, there has been a substantial Armenian
    community in the Troy and the surrounding communities, a result of
    Armenians refugees fleeing organized killings during the Armenian
    Genocide. The Armenians that came to Troy in that diaspora founded the
    second Armenian Church in America, became very active in the
    community, and so inundated a length of road across the river in
    Watervliet that it became known as Little Armenia for a time.

    City officials and committee members will meet tonight as scheduled.
