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Interview with Director Ella Hatamian of "The Epiphany"

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  • Interview with Director Ella Hatamian of "The Epiphany"

    Disarray Magazine
    Sept 22 2012

    Filmmakers Spotlight: Interview with Director Ella Hatamian of "The Epiphany"

    9:03 PM Saturday, September 22, 2012 Christy Buena, Editor

    We recently caught up with Armenian Director Ella Hatamian to discuss
    her film, The Ephiphany, which is currently being screened at Sunset
    Gower Studios as part of NewFilmmakers Los Angeles. Learn about
    Hatamian's project, her learnings and influences.

    Name/Position: Ella Hatamian/Director
    Film: The Epiphany

    Tell us a little bit about your project and how long you've been working on it.

    The Epiphany was my undergraduate thesis film at NYU. I had the idea
    two summers ago when I was on vacation with my family, I thought it
    would be fun to make a movie with them. Most of my films take place
    around a social event - over a short, specific period of time.
    Armenian Christmas was only a couple months away so I decided that
    would be the central setting of the film. I wrote the script in
    September and shot the film in January and it took me way too long to

    Is there anyone you'd like to thank for helping out with this film?

    Everyone who made the production possible - my family, my producers,
    my crew, all the friends (and strangers) who donated on Kickstarter,
    my teachers Susan Seidelman and Nick Tanis.

    How does it feel to have your film part of the NewFilmmakers Screening
    at Sunset Gower Studios?

    Awesome. I've never seen it on the big screen. My favorite part of
    making a movie is watching an audience watch the film - it's
    completely nerve-wracking but I live for it. I'm excited to be a part
    of such a well-curated showcase.

    What inspires you?

    Enthusiasm. It's not easy to cultivate so I'm always inspired by
    people who maintain enthusiasm for what they do.

    Who are your influences and who do you admire?

    Blake Edwards, Woody Allen, Rainer Fassbinder, and Sidney Lumet are
    some of the most influential storytellers in my book. Tennessee
    Williams and William Saroyan are my favorite playwrights. I admire
    Busby Berkeley for his commitment to spectacle, and Albert Einstein
    for his ability to articulate some of the most intricate and complex
    ideas to the point of understanding; for me, achieving clarity is the
    greatest challenge of filmmaking. I admire my parents for always
    having faith and confidence in my pursuits (that have never been the
    kind ensure steady income or dental benefits). I mean, I admire all
    the people who take me seriously...

    What lessons have you learned from the industry so far?

    That it's changing. There's been a revolution in everything from
    medium to distribution and filmmakers don't have to be at the mercy of
    a studio to tell a story. I've learned to take advantage of that.

    If you could collaborate with anybody, who would it be?

    Peter Sellers.

    What is the toughest experience you've ever had to overcome?

    I feel silly answering this question because I'm only 23, have always
    had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, an incredible education,
    family, and friends. One time I had an ulcer, but I took medicine and
    it went away. Another time I broke my arm, but that got better too. I
    never had a `tough' experience - only incidents I dramatized for
    college applications.

    What is the best piece of advice someone has given to you?

    Stand up straight.

    What advice would you give to new filmmakers starting out in the industry?

    Know what you like and what you don't - taste is everything.

    Where can we expect to see you next?

    I'd like to act some more but auditions are too nerve-wracking for me
    and my nerves have no patience for any more wracking than I'm already
    subjected them to so I guess I'll write myself a role. I'll direct a
    feature soon, I plan on it being a comedy because I like to make
    people laugh. I only say `plan' because one time I made a dramatic
    film called `Going Out' and ironically, it won an award for `Best
    Comedy' so you never know... Or maybe you do. But I sure don't.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress