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Unexpected Blocs May Form

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  • Unexpected Blocs May Form

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:25:55 - 24/09/2012

    Opposition leaders Aram Sargsyan and Raffi Hovannisian who are likely
    presidential candidates have announced openly about their positions
    on foreign policies. Raffi Hovannisian is for reviewing relations
    with Russia and leaving CSTO.

    Aram Sargsyan also announced that if he runs for president, he will
    come up with the review of the lord-vassal relationship with Russia.

    In fact, these politicians have an identical position with Serzh
    Sargsyan who insists on the European path for development.

    The other possible presidential candidates are reluctant to speak
    about the foreign policy as this is a very tricky issue for them.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan, for instance, speaks more on domestic issues,
    referring to the lack of political will to fight corruption.

    Prosperous Armenia also tries to lead the political discussion towards
    domestic issues, criticizing the government.

    In addition, Aram Sargsyan thinks that the foreign political factor
    will feature these elections. This factor will be used by Serzh
    Sargsyan for his campaign. His administration has already understood
    that there will be opponents to the path for EU integration. Besides,
    the rigid statement of this issue pushes his rival to the anti-Western
    field which is not popular in Armenia.

    In this regard, it is not ruled out that if Serzh Sargsyan's team uses
    his pro-Western position as the core of his presidential campaign
    by maintaining the alliance with Russia, Raffi Hovannisian and Aram
    Sargsyan will automatically become his supporters. Serzh Sargsyan's
    opponents - Levon Ter-Petrosyan or Robert Kocharyan - will have to
    support either Serzh Sargsyan or the Eurasian Union.

    Even if they do, the first and the second presidents understand that
    this position is a loser in Armenia. It is not accidental that so far
    they have not announced their positions openly apart from supporting
    the Eurasian youth forums organized by Prosperous Armenia. Therefore,
    they will try to lead their presidential campaigns towards domestic
    issues, and they may even be partners.

    Depending on which will become the priority in the campaign,
    most unexpected blocs may be formed, such as Serzh Sargsyan-Raffi
    Hovannisian or Levon Ter-Petrosyan-Robert Kocharyan. Or if Serzh
    Sargsyan succeeds in prioritizing EU integration, he will be deprived
    of serious opponents.

    From: Baghdasarian