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Beirut: Dignitaries Arrive In Bkirki To Participate In Muslim-Christ

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  • Beirut: Dignitaries Arrive In Bkirki To Participate In Muslim-Christ


    National News Agency Lebanon (NNA)
    September 24, 2012 Monday

    NNA - 24/9/2012- Muslim-Christian spiritual summit is held today at
    10:30 in the Patriarchate in Bkirki.

    Kamil Mnassah, Hareth Shehab and Michel Abd representing Christian-
    Muslim dialogue committee; relation coordinator among religions in
    Bkirki, Priest Hady Daou; Ashourian sect representative Amanouil
    Youhanna; Orthodox Syriac Bishop George Saliba, representative of
    Orthodox Copts , Father Roueis Al-Orshalimi; Head of Higher Angelic
    Sect compound in Syria and Lebanon, Priest Salim Sahyouni; Priest
    Riyad Jarjour, General Patriarchate Deputy Bishop Boulos Sayyah,
    representative of Chaldean Catholic Syriac, Bishop Michel Kasarji ;
    Patriarch Mar Ignatius Youssef the Third Younane arrived consecutively
    in Bkirki.

    Greek Orthodox Metropolite in Beirut Elias Audi, Higher Shiite Islam
    Council General Director Nazih Jammoul, Alaouite Sect head Sheikh
    Assad Allah Assi, Catholic Armenian Orthodox Aram the First Kichichian
    heading a delegation of the sects Priests; Higher Islamic Shiite
    Coundil head Sheikh Abdel Amir Cabalan and Al-Mufti Jaafar Al0Momtaz
    SheikhAhmad Cabalan; Latin Bishop Boulos Sayyah Representativa of
    Catholic Armenian Patriarch Narciss Bedros the Nineteenth Moseigneur
    Patrick Mrad; Republic Mufti Sheikh Mohamad Bashir Qabbani; Sheikh
    Akl Al-Druz Al- Mouahiddine sect Naim Hassan, also arrived in Bkirki.

    Patriarch Al-Rai started the Summit by a work in which he confirmed
    that "offending the Islam Prophet Mohammad is an insult for Muslims
    and Christians", saying we should reach a final decision not only
    condemned that act .

    Rai stressed the need that "the International Community should shoulder
    its responsibility ", considering that such "insults threaten safety
    of people." He added that those who belittle religion are actually
    belittling God, stressing "the need to take a position which leads
    to a final decision'.

    From: Baghdasarian