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Court hearing into Yerevan balloon blast case is adjourned again

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  • Court hearing into Yerevan balloon blast case is adjourned again

    Court hearing into Yerevan balloon blast case is adjourned again
    September 28, 2012 | 14:55

    YEREVAN. - The court trial into the balloon explosion in Armenia's
    capital city Yerevan adjourned yet again.

    Defendant Serob Bozoyan's attorney was newly involved in the trial,
    and therefore he asked the court for additional time to get familiar
    with the particulars of the case. So, the court adjourned until
    October 11.

    To note, during the previous hearing on September 14, Bozoyan had
    admitted his guilt and asked for a speedy trial.

    As Armenian informed earlier, a tragedy occurred during
    the ruling Republican Party's (RPA) parliamentary election campaign
    rally and concert held at Yerevan's Republic Square on May 4. Hundreds
    of balloons filled with gas exploded and started to burn.
    Subsequently, the balloons' melted rubber fell on the event
    participants. Those near the stage were affected the most, and 154
    people were injured.

    Subsequently, German plastic surgeon Adrian Daigler, who was invited
    to Armenia upon the instruction of President and RPA leader Serzh
    Sargsyan, operated on nine patients who suffered injuries from the
    balloon blast. And the last patient was discharged on July 2.

    Serob Bozoyan, who had filled these balloons, is charged with
    manufacturing and selling products not meeting safety regulations and
    causing harm to two or more people.
