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Sherman Welcomes Impending Opening of Karabakh Airport

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  • Sherman Welcomes Impending Opening of Karabakh Airport

    Sherman Welcomes Impending Opening of Karabakh Airport

    Saturday, September 29th, 2012

    Rep. Brad Sherman

    Calls for End to Aliyev Threats against Armenia and Azerbaijan

    WASHINGTON - House Foreign Affairs Committee senior member Brad Sherman
    (D-CA) has welcomed news of the impending opening of the Stepanakert
    Airport in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, and called on Azerbaijani
    authorities `to guarantee it will take no violent actions against
    flights into Artsakh,' reported the Armenian National Committee of

    In a September 28th statement, Rep. Sherman referenced a pattern of
    threats by the Azerbaijani government to shoot down civilian aircraft
    to and from the Karabakh airport and called for immediate U.S. action
    including to `cut off all aid, arms transfers and to downgrade
    relations with Azerbaijan's military.'

    `We applaud Rep. Sherman's principled position in support of the
    opening of the Artsakh airport, which will serve as an important
    lifeline for the Nagorno Karabakh Republic to the world, as Azerbaijan
    continues its 24-year blockade and ongoing threats and attacks against
    Armenia and Karabakh,' said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
    `We look forward to the opening of the airport and to the travel,
    tourism and economic opportunities it will bring to the burgeoning
    Artsakh Republic.'

    The Stepanakert Airport was originally built in 1974 and primarily
    served flights from Yerevan and Baku. The airport had remained idle
    since 1992. In 2008, Karabakh authorities began renovation of the
    airport, including the construction of a new main building, which
    resembles an eagle with opened wings, and the widening of runways to
    accommodate modern aircraft. Azerbaijani authorities have repeatedly
    threatened, as recently as July of this year, to shoot down civilian
    aircraft headed toward Karabakh. These threats along with other
    statements of aggression and attacks against Armenia and Karabakh have
    been documented by the ANCA. Azeri_rhetoric_summary_0812.pdf

    The full text of Rep. Sherman's statement welcoming the impending
    opening of the Karabakh airport is provided below.

    Statement by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) on the Impending Opening of the
    Karabakh Airport

    `The airport's opening is a testament to Nagorno-Karabakh's desire for
    prosperity and peace. I congratulate the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on
    the impressive renovation and imminent re-opening of the airport in

    A direct air link with Yerevan will strengthen the Republic's efforts
    to build a brighter future for its own people.

    I know that the opening has been delayed several times, as Azeri
    officials have threatened to shoot down civilian planes traveling to
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    Nagorno-Karabakh has persevered notwithstanding these threats. I have
    called on the U.S. government to cut off all aid, arms transfers and
    to downgrade relations with Azerbaijan's military. At a minimum, the
    Azeri government must guarantee it will take no violent actions
    against flights into Artsakh, cease other threats against Armenia and
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and bring to justice the vicious murderer Ramil
    Safarov before relations with the United States improve.'
