April 2, 2013 - 12:32 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - April 2 marks the birth anniversary ofSoghomon
Tehlirian, a member of the Nemesis covert operation in 1920s to
assassinate the Turkish masterminds of the Armenian Genocide.
Avenger Tehlirian assassinated Talat Pasha on March 15, 1921 in
Berlin. Two of his accomplices in that operation were Hagop Zorian
(Hazor) and Hratch Papazian. He was captured, tried and found not
guilty. After the trial, he moved to the former Yugoslavia where he
lived for nearly thirty years. After the end of World War Two he and
his family fled to Casablanca. Having been told by the ARF that Turkish
agents were closing on him in 1956 he moved to the United States.
He died in 1960 in San Francisco. He is buried in Fresno, Ca. at the
Ararat Cemetery.
April 2, 2013 - 12:32 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - April 2 marks the birth anniversary ofSoghomon
Tehlirian, a member of the Nemesis covert operation in 1920s to
assassinate the Turkish masterminds of the Armenian Genocide.
Avenger Tehlirian assassinated Talat Pasha on March 15, 1921 in
Berlin. Two of his accomplices in that operation were Hagop Zorian
(Hazor) and Hratch Papazian. He was captured, tried and found not
guilty. After the trial, he moved to the former Yugoslavia where he
lived for nearly thirty years. After the end of World War Two he and
his family fled to Casablanca. Having been told by the ARF that Turkish
agents were closing on him in 1956 he moved to the United States.
He died in 1960 in San Francisco. He is buried in Fresno, Ca. at the
Ararat Cemetery.