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Robert Kocharyan Hung The Label

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  • Robert Kocharyan Hung The Label

    05:24 PM | TODAY | SOCIAL

    Exactly 11 years ago this day-April 2, "A1 +" TV channel was deprived
    of the blue screen and it is not a secret for anyone who ordered it.

    "The main difficulty was "the label of the enemy of the country
    and the media which spread misinformation destroying the bases of
    the country" which was hung on the doors of "A1+" by disreputable
    and ill-famed Robert Kocharyan",- that "A1 +" TV channel's chairman
    Mesrop Movsesian told during a press conference today.

    Robert Kocharyan who was occupying the chair of RA president wanted
    to hear only good news.

    "Unfortunately, Robert Khocharyan was among the first who understood
    what free media meant and what consequences it could have", - "A1 +"
    TV company president commented on his TV channel deprivation from

    Although after the banning of air "A1 +" has been subjected to numerous
    experiments, which are still going on but the director Mesrop Movsesian
    proudly noted that the majority of staff kept working despite the
    existing financial, technical and personnel problems.

    The head of "A1 +" also touched upon his appearance in the list of
    "Hello Yerevan" faction in the City Councilors' election.

    He assured that he had never been engaged in politics and would never
    be and especially mentioned that during the political campaign he
    would never become the "microphone" of any political force, including

    "I would like you separate "A1 +" from Mesrop Movsesyan person.

    Besides the obligations I have also my rights as a citizen."

    In the words of "A1 +" TV Director his appearance in the list was
    a surprise. "On the one hand it makes me more responsible; on the
    other hand it frightens me since I am not looking for the numbers
    in politics".

    By the way, during today's press conference "Kentron/ Center"
    television political commentator Petros Ghazaryan was also invited
    who was not present.

    From: Baghdasarian