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Showdown: PAP-RPA Trade Barbs Ahead Of Capital Election

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  • Showdown: PAP-RPA Trade Barbs Ahead Of Capital Election


    POLITICS | 04.04.13 | 15:50


    Eduard Sharmazanov, Tigran Urikhanayn
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    As Yerevan city council elections approach passions have flared up,
    voiced in sharp criticism and insults, between the ruling Republican
    Party of Armenia and its once coalitional partner Prosperous Armenia.

    While the senior members of these two parties show more restrained
    behavior, younger members have taken up the fight in what one of
    the leading local newspaper's editor-in-chief has termed the "young
    wings' stardom".

    Similar tension grew between the two parties in 2012, prior to
    the parliamentary elections, when PAP was still part of the ruling

    The lead part in the RPA-PAP battles is PAP spokesman, MP Tigran
    Urikhanayn who voiced criticism from the parliamentary rostrum against
    current mayor Taron Margaryan, topping the RPA list in the city council
    elections, in particular pointing out the municipality's "pointless"
    expenses, which do not alleviate Yerevan residents' burden.

    "Co-starring" is RPA spokesman, parliament vice-speaker Eduard
    Sharmazanov, who said that "RPA and PAP are in different weight

    And yet the Republicans are especially quick in their response to
    the Facebook posts by Vartan Oskanian, topping the PAP list for the
    municipal elections. Oskanian talks about the issues challenging the
    Armenian capital and makes suggestions on possible solutions.

    Young Republican MP Karen Avagyan responding to Oskanian's Facebook
    posts asked the former foreign minister why he did not apply his
    "environmental ambitions and urban development taste" when he was a
    government member and according to Avagyan it is during those years
    that Yerevan's architectural exterior was being distorted.

    Sharmazanov, in turn, accused PAP on Wednesday of abandoning its

    "PAP, taking away the votes of the oppositional electorate, voicing
    sharp criticism of the ruling administration, promising big changes
    to voters, and then not participating in the country's most crucial
    political process, such as the presidential elections, has disappointed
    its voters by leaving its electorate up to the whims of fate, after
    which it had no right to participate, for example, in the Yerevan
    city hall election," said Sharmazanov.

    While some analysts believe RPA-PAP confrontation is just a show,
    Edgar Vardanyan, expert at the Armenian Center for National and
    International Studies, regards this tension as a "clan confrontation"
    conditioned by re-distribution of resources.

    "It is not like the confrontation is fictional, not that it is a
    'theatre', it does exist. Meaning that from time to time when
    opportunities are created for re-distribution of resources these
    groups or clans start a showdown trying to pocket as much as possible.

    It mostly starts prior to elections, then subsides for a while. Then
    each within the limits of their resources continue their activities,
    keep their presence in the country's political and economic fields,"
    says the expert, adding that it is not accidental that PAP has never
    called itself opposition.

    "They say they are an alternative, but it is because they are, in fact,
    alternative to one ruling group, meaning they have their place in the
    general oligarchic framework and in that field one group is competing
    with the other," says Vardanyan.

    From: A. Papazian