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On Air: Radio Broadcasts For Talyshes Begin From Karabakh's Shushi

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  • On Air: Radio Broadcasts For Talyshes Begin From Karabakh's Shushi

    KARABAKH | 05.04.13 | 15:39


    Ara Papyan (left) and Garnik Asatryan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The Voice of Talyshstan radio designed for ethnic Talyshes
    that recently went on air with broadcasts organized from the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic's town of Shushi has already drawn some
    angry reactions in Azerbaijan where the station has been accused of
    pursuing a political agenda.

    Yet, the authors of the project say the radio broadcasts have no
    political context, but are of purely cultural significance.

    The Voice of Talyshstan AM-9977 radio station is a joint project
    of the Caucasian Center for Iranian Studies and the Modus Vivendi
    non-governmental organization. Its operator is the Impulse Radio
    Company (News Radio FM106.5 in Yerevan). It has been on air already
    for 10 days with a three-hour-long daily transmission of programming
    solely concerning the culture and history of the Talysh people and
    available throughout Azerbaijan and beyond.

    Professor Garnik Asatryan, who heads the Department of Iranian Studies
    at the Yerevan State University and is director of the Caucasian Center
    for Iranian Studies, told reporters on Friday that the establishment
    of a radio station broadcasting in Talyshi is also of great strategic
    importance to the Eurasian region.

    An estimated 1.8 million ethnic Talyshes live in Azerbaijan today,
    being one of the major ethnic minority groups in this multiethnic
    country with an entire population estimated at over 9 million.

    "A Talysh radio is not something that has come out of the blue, it is
    a result of hard work of many years and is at the same time a logical
    continuation of the humanistic thought and traditions of our people,"
    said Asatryan.

    He said that despite attempts by government-controlled media and
    pundits in Azerbaijan to portray the radio as a political tool,
    the Voice of Talyshstan remains a purely cultural project.

    "They even voiced accusations against neighboring Iran, but in response
    to such baseless accusations, the Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan
    fairly stated that Iran has nothing to do with this radio station,"
    said Asatryan.

    According to him, short waves ensure coverage within thousands of
    kilometers and the radio has already received numerous positive
    responses from Baku, Tehran, Minsk, Moscow, etc.

    Modus Vivendi center director and political scientist Ara Papian said
    that as a minority group Talyshes are subjected to discrimination
    and persecution in Azerbaijan and do not even have a radio station
    of their own.

    "In general, it is important not only to develop relations with other
    states, but also with ethnic and religious minorities living in these
    states. Therefore, our friendly relations with the Talysh people that
    have a centuries-old history are very important for us," said Papian.

    Papian said the radio station is a private project, has no specific
    budget and its staff works on a voluntary basis. It is expected
    that the amount of the radio station's broadcasts will increase in
    the future.
