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European Voice: When Taking The Office Ilham Aliev Was Still Diletta

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  • European Voice: When Taking The Office Ilham Aliev Was Still Diletta


    20:11 05/04/2013 " IN THE WORLD

    One night in January this year, a bronze statue of Azerbaijan's late
    strongman ruler Heydar Aliyev vanished from its perch on Paseo de la
    Reforma, Mexico City's most historic boulevard, Jenifer Renkin writes
    in European Voice.

    According to the article The Aliyev monument had been unveiled in
    August last year, causing dismay and confusion in equal parts.

    Mexicans wondered why city authorities had chosen to honour a dead
    autocrat who had ruled a country 8,000 miles away. "It turned out
    that Azerbaijan, an oil-rich former communist country on the Caspian
    Sea, had paid handsomely to renovate the park in which the statue
    was erected. Rumours swirled that the Azerbaijani government had
    threatened to pull $4 billion worth of investment out of Mexico if
    the statue was removed," the article says.

    According to the author the tale of the disappearing statue has all
    the hallmarks of Azerbaijan's current political system: a creepy
    personality cult, wads of cash, and a hint of menace. At the centre
    of the story is President Ilham Aliyev, son of Heydar.

    According to the article Under Ilham Aliyev, oil has flowed, corruption
    has flourished and freedoms have stagnated. "In Azerbaijan, the most
    easterly member of the European Union's Eastern Partnership, seats in
    the parliament are touted for $1 million and critical journalists wind
    up in jail. Azerbaijan ranks 156th out of 179 countries for press
    freedom, according to Reporters Without Borders; on Transparency
    International's corruption perceptions index, it is 139th out of
    176, well below its Caucasian neighbours Armenia and Georgia," the
    author writes.

    As the article reads, Today, Aliyev is facing perhaps the most serious
    challenge to his ten-year rule as protests flare across the country
    in the build-up to a presidential election in October. "In January,
    thousands demonstrated in Ismailia demanding the resignation of the
    local governor. The same month saw shopkeepers on the streets of
    the capital, Baku, campaigning against rent rises. In March, police
    used water cannons to disperse hundreds of people who had gathered in
    the capital to protest against unexplained deaths in the military,"
    the European Voice writes.

    Kenan Aliyev, head of the Azerbaijani service at Radio Free Europe,
    says two factors are driving the discontent exploding on social media -
    the high cost of living, and corruption. "Very little of the oil money
    is touching the daily lives of people...there is huge dissatisfaction
    with the government," he says.

    Emin Milli, a writer and opposition activist who has served two
    jail terms for his political activities, says Aliyev "was sold as
    a guarantor of stability", but now has turned into "a guarantor
    of chaos".

    "Ilham Aliyev was a political novice when he was swept into the
    presidency aged 41 in 2003 as his father was dying of heart disease.

    Although Aliyev junior had notched up various jobs in the ruling New
    Azerbaijan party, he had a reputation as a dilettante who preferred
    gambling in casinos to shaping policy. After studying at the elite
    Moscow State Institute of International Relations in the Soviet
    Union, famed for producing Moscow's top diplomats, Aliyev had gone
    into business after the collapse of communism. He certainly led a
    more comfortable life than his father, who worked his way through
    the ranks of the KGB to become the first Muslim in the Politburo,"
    the author writes.

    According to the article Azerbaijan's political system - likened
    by US diplomats in leaked cables to medieval feudalism - has hardly
    changed since Aliyev junior came to power. "He has sacked some cabinet
    ministers, but key players of the Heydar Aliyev government remain in
    post, including the interior minister, the defence minister and his
    chief of staff, notes Kenan Aliyev.

    Aliyev is running the government of his father," K. Alieva says.

    "Heydar Aliyev is not easily forgotten in Baku. His likeness pops up
    on billboards and plinths all over Baku, while Azerbaijan's Academy
    of Sciences is hard at work devising "Aliyev science" in the run-up
    to the ten-year anniversary of his death this May," the article says.

    The author notes that as Ilham Aliyev polishes the personality cult
    of his father, discontent about corruption is spiralling. Khadija
    Ismayilova, an award-winning investigative journalist, was prosecuted
    for uncovering the extent of the family's holdings.


    From: Baghdasarian