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WOE To Ones Swearing A False OATH - Armenian Ex-Presidential Candida

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  • WOE To Ones Swearing A False OATH - Armenian Ex-Presidential Candida


    18:30 ~U 05.04.13

    Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian's rally has kicked off in
    Yerevan's Freedom Square.

    The rally is to settle the issue of New Armenia's inauguration on April 9.

    Following his hunger strike, the Heritage party leader toured
    Armenia's regions and invited people to be present at the inauguration
    ceremony on April 9.

    The singer Artur Ispiryan and children performed New Armenia's anthem.

    "We were asleep as a nation, but the most wonderful thing occurred -
    Raffi Hovannisian's 'It is possible' traveled from region to region,"
    the poet Artashes Aram said.

    "Our struggle is for our children and grandchildren, our fathers'
    dream of better Armenia. Raffi Hovannisian has come to say that
    Armenia's people can defend their votes and be masters of their
    country," he said.

    Speaking at the rally, Ms Anahit Bakhshyan announced the establishment
    of the Barev foundation for the purpose of establishing democracy and
    protecting human rights in Armenia.

    The mothers of Armenian soldiers killed in the army spoke at the rally.

    One of them, Anahit Lazarian expressed her discontent and intolerance
    to all the three presidents of Armenia.

    "Hundreds of soldiers are killed in Armenia's army. They are claiming
    fewer cases now - two-digit numbers against three-digit numbers in the
    past. Each of the soldiers was to have a family, which would have
    strengthened our homeland. The military crimes impartially
    investigated by the military prosecutor's office and unbiased court
    rulings can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Our sons' murderers
    remain unpunished and walking freely in our midst," she said.

    Ms Lazarian stressed that people send their sons to the army thus
    showing their confidence in the State and its Supreme

    "No commander has been convicted for soldiers' murders in peacetime," she said.

    Appealing to Armenian mothers, she cried out, "Armenia's mothers, join
    this movement and believe we can change our life for the peace of our
    sons' souls."

    She reminded the attendees of the women's meeting with Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan, who assured them that all the guilty would
    be punished.

    "What secure Armenia are we speaking of, with more than 50 soldiers
    are killed every year and Artsakh war heroes murdered? We demand
    constitutional Armenia," Ms Mrktchyan said.

    Karin Hovannisian, son of Raffi Hovannisian, spoke at the rally and
    told the people of "man Raffi Hovannisian."

    Twenty-five years ago Raffi Hovannisian returned to Armenia and has
    been living here since, "feeling all the pain and love."

    "I feel authorized to tell the ones doubting that they cannot break
    this man's will, they cannot break this people's will, they cannot
    break the will of this country, centuries-old dream named Armenia," he

    Raffi Hovannisian called for a national strike on April 9.

    "One supporting the people will be here on April 9," he said.

    "We must drive the filthy authorities away," he said.

    "Woe to those that will swear a false oath on April 9. We will not
    forgive them," he said.

    "Let us, as a nation, be present at New Armenia's declaration and
    inauguration," Mr Hovannisian said.

    The same day at 5:00 pm, "we will march for our homeland's sake, New
    Armenia, to return power to the people."

    Heritage party Vice-Chairman Armen Martirosyan read out a statement on
    the threshold of New Armenia's inauguration.

    The statement was made by a number of freedom fighters.

    "Nineteen years after the national victory, we, warriors, have decided
    to combine efforts for our children's future," says the statement.

    They call on all the veterans of the Nagorno-Karabakh war to attend
    Raffi Hovannisian's inauguration on April 9.

    From: A. Papazian