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Baku: Nato Chief Praises Azerbaijan's Contribution To Int'l Peace Ef

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  • Baku: Nato Chief Praises Azerbaijan's Contribution To Int'l Peace Ef


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    April 5 2013

    5 April 2013, 16:37 (GMT+05:00)

    Azerbaijan has committed stronger and longer contributions to the
    international peace effort in Afghanistan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
    Secretary General of NATO, said in an interview to The Business
    Year magazine.

    "NATO and Azerbaijan have recently taken important steps to deepen
    our partnership farther. For over six decades, NATO has united
    democratic nations from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Today,
    we have 28 allies committed to defend not only our shared security,
    but also our common values: freedom, democracy, and human rights. We
    operate under a firm principle: all for one, and one for all. That
    means that if one ally is threatened, all the other allies will come
    to its defense," Rasmussen said.

    He said that NATO will continue to build on the success of working with
    its partners to deepen the understanding and trust that "we have built
    together over the past two decades and to consolidate the invaluable
    practical experience that our military forces have gained by working
    together in Afghanistan and in other NATO-led missions and operations".

    "We are determined to work more closely with our partners, including
    those in this region. We need partners who share our desire for
    security and our values. In this respect, we encourage Azerbaijan
    to pursue democratic reforms in certain areas such as elections and
    free media, which will first and foremost benefit the country. I also
    believe that there is more we can do together when we it comes to
    practical cooperation. I believe that this is a two-way street with
    benefits for NATO and all of its partners," Rasmussen underlined.

    This partnership also supports Azerbaijan's reforms, especially in
    defense, where it is developing a modern and accountable military
    force that is relevant to today's security challenges and able to
    play its part in multinational operations, he said.

    "Much of our cooperation is focused on military-to-military exercises,
    such as training and education. We are also deepening our cooperation
    on energy and cyber security. This might seem far away from the needs
    of average people, but we also do things together that may have more
    tangible benefits," he said.

    For example, he said the NATO and the Azerbaijan Mine Agency have
    removed large quantities of land mines from the soil in this country.

    "Half a million unexploded munitions have been defused. This is
    one of the biggest projects of this nature in the world, and our
    work is freeing up hundreds of hectares of land for agriculture
    and development. This project is literally "paving the way" to a
    better future, and I might add that the Azerbaijani agency is now
    helping with de-mining in other countries, including Afghanistan,"
    Rasmussen underlined.

    According to him, however, this region still faces great security
    challenges. "Azerbaijan has a complicated neighborhood and the
    most press¬ing regional challenge remains finding a solution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict," Rasmussen said.

    He said the only way forward is through dialogue, compromise,
    and cooperation.

    "NATO as an organization is not involved directly in finding a
    solution to this conflict, nor do we take sides, but we will continue
    to support the Minsk Process and efforts toward a peaceful settlement,"
    he underscored.

    According to Rasmussen, tensions in this region must be reduced,
    and concrete steps must be taken to promote reasonable cooperation
    and reconciliation.

    "Azerbaijan is an important partner for NATO and we have already
    achieved a great deal together. We have an opportunity to do much
    more to solidify our long-term partnership, strengthen our political
    dialogue and practical corporation," he added.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France and the U.S. -
    are currently holding peace negotiations.

    Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four
    resolutions on the liberation of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding
