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Israel, America and Turkey

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  • Israel, America and Turkey

    Israel, America and Turkey

    A useful first step

    Warmer American relations with Israel help to end its Turkish tiff

    Mar 30th 2013 | ANKARA AND JERUSALEM |From the print edition
    FOR the first time in years, the whiff of a wind of change is wafting
    through Israel's diplomatic air, thanks to Barack Obama's recent
    visit. The message the American president imparted was that he is
    determined in his final term to have another go at making peace
    between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East. Though full of the usual
    bromides, his speech to a gathering of young Israelis percolated down
    to the undecided centre of Israeli politics, where distrust for Mr
    Obama - and for Palestinians - has been strong. The American president may
    have persuaded at least some such Israelis to ponder again the need
    for a Palestinian state.

    The trip's more tangible result, however, was Mr Obama's apparent
    success in persuading Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, to
    apologise at last to Turkey for the death of nine Turks killed by
    Israeli commandos in 2010 stopping a flotilla of Turkish boats from
    reaching Gaza.

    `Israelis love Turkey,' declares the blurb of an Israeli package-tour
    operator, hoping to promote the resort of Antalya once again as
    Israel's favourite tourist destination. On the strength of Mr
    Netanyahu's apology, he may be onto a winner.

    Just before Mr Obama flew out of Israel, he handed Mr Netanyahu his
    telephone to speak to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister.
    After nearly four years of estrangement, America's two most powerful
    and closest allies in the Middle East agreed to co-operate again. Once
    Israel's compensation to the Turks has been settled, diplomatic
    relations will be restored.

    Both sides have much to gain. Israel hopes Mr Erdogan will rescue it
    from its isolation since the downfall of friendly regional autocrats,
    in particular in Egypt. The two countries may now be able to share
    copious amounts of natural gas recently found in the eastern
    Mediterranean. They should resume co-operation in military
    intelligence. And Israelis may soon again enjoy those tours. Even when
    relations were at their nadir, military sales continued, as did
    foreign trade worth $3 billion a year.

    All the same, the Israeli-Turkish strategic relationship is unlikely
    to be wholly restored, not least because of Mr Erdogan's sharp tongue.
    A month ago he called Zionism `a crime against humanity', so
    threatening to ruin America's bridge-building. `The 1990s are over,'
    says Nimrod Goren, an Israeli academic who kept open a discreet
    channel when even Turkish and Israeli spies refused to exchange words.

    And a host of regional issues may yet prise them apart. Mr Netanyahu
    will turn a deaf ear to Mr Erdogan's call for Israel to vacate East
    Jerusalem and the West Bank and to open up Gaza entirely. In his
    written apology, Mr Netanyahu said he would ease restrictions on
    supplies to that Palestinian coastal strip ruled by Hamas. But Israel
    seems bent on keeping up its blockade by air and sea, which first
    prompted Turkey's flotilla to try to get there.

    Meanwhile Mr Erdogan's party people hailed the apology as a big
    victory. `We stood firm and brought them to their knees,' tweeted a
    young party activist. Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's foreign minister, cut
    short a trip to Poland to bask in credit back home. Turkish newspapers
    announced that Mr Erdogan was planning a triumphal visit to Gaza, not
    least to see a new hospital being built by the Turks.

    Unless Mr Erdogan softens his rhetoric, a showdown with Israel could
    easily recur. Moreover, Turkey's prime minister is likely to rebuff Mr
    Netanyahu's request to help persuade Iran to drop its nuclear
    ambitions. Israel has had to discount hopes that the Turks would let
    its fighter aircraft fly over its territory. And it has so far failed
    to convince the Turks that Iran is close to getting a bomb. `Even if
    it could,' says Alon Liel, an Israeli ex-ambassador to Ankara, `Turkey
    doesn't believe it is the target.'

    At least over Syria there may be scope for co-operation. After months
    of hesitation, Israel now agrees with Turkey that President Bashar
    Assad must go. Both Israel and Turkey agree that al-Qaeda should be
    prevented from reaping the fruits of Mr Assad's fall. Israel, says Mr
    Liel, might even endorse Syria's takeover by a Western-leaning
    Islamist government - at any rate, if it were modelled on Turkey's.
