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Nancy Kricorian about her new book and Diaspora Quartet - INTERVIEW

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  • Nancy Kricorian about her new book and Diaspora Quartet - INTERVIEW

    Nancy Kricorian about her new book and Diaspora Quartet - INTERVIEW

    April 08, 2013 | 00:01

    A new book by Armenian-American writer Nancy Kricorian was published
    this March. All The Light There Was novel is telling a story of
    Armenian girl who survived the Armenian Genocide and is building her
    life in Paris under Nazi occupation. In an interview with Armenian Nancy Kricorian told about her new book.

    Your new book All The Light There Was is about an Armenian girl who
    lives in Paris under Nazi occupation and her brother joined
    resistance. How the idea came to you? Is it based on actual person?
    Did you know any Armenians who joined resistance or lived in Paris
    during the World War II?

    When I was researching a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary character in
    my second novel, Dreams of Bread and Fire, I read about `non-state
    actors' using political violence--everything from the Weather
    Underground to the Red Army Brigade to the French Resistance. While
    researching the French Resistance, I came across a 1984 French
    documentary film called Terrorists in Retirement, which was about a
    resistance group made up of immigrant workers and led by Armenian poet
    Missak Manouchian. As I learned more about Manouchian, it started me
    thinking about what it would have been like for Armenian Genocide
    survivors, who had rebuilt their lives and communities in Paris, to
    see the Nazis marching into their adopted city.

    I met several Armenians in Paris who had been active in the French
    Resistance, among them Arsene Tchakarian of the Manouchian Group and
    Nazareth Peshdikian, who was in the Hunchak resistance.

    In your interviews you said you had done a great research before
    writing the novel. You spoke to Armenians in France and read books
    about their memories. Surviving the Genocide they went to France for
    new safe life but appeared in trouble again. What do you think made
    them join Resistance, how did they find strength to fight again?

    I spoke with and read about a number of Armenians who had lived
    through the war years in Paris--and there were many different
    responses. Some people joined the Resistance, some people kept their
    heads down just trying to survive, and there were a few who did worse.
    I was impressed to hear that the editor of the Armenian newspaper
    Haratch decided to suspend publication for the duration of the
    Occupation rather than submit his work to collaborationist censors.
    How people responded had to do with many factors, including their
    personal histories, their temperaments and their political

    Audiobooks are becoming more popular. All The Light There Was has been
    recorded as well. What do you think about audiobooks? Is it just a
    kind of modern device or it will replace books in the future?

    I am thrilled that there is an audiobook available of All The Light
    There Was, particularly because the actor who recorded it, Suzanne
    Toren, is so talented and because she was able to read the Armenian
    phrases with such an excellent accent. It is wonderful that the audio
    book is available so that people who are vision impaired, who are
    taking long car rides, or who have reading disabilities can have
    access to the novel. There is also an e-book that can be downloaded
    onto a reading device, which seems to be the wave of the future.

    As far as I know, your next book is telling about an Armenian family
    in Beirut during the Lebanese Civilian War. You are writing about
    Armenians living in different countries. What do they have in common?
    Are there any traits of character typical for all your heroes?

    My first novel, Zabelle, is a fictionalized account of my
    grandmother's life as an Armenian Genocide survivor and immigrant
    bride. My second novel, Dreams of Bread and Fire, is about someone of
    my generation coming to terms with the hidden history of the Genocide
    that shapes her family's life. The third novel, All The Light There
    Was, is about Armenians in Paris during the Nazi Occupation. And the
    next one will be about Armenians who leave Beirut during the Civil War
    to come to New York. This is my Armenian Diaspora Quartet.

    Audiobooks are becoming more popular. All The Light There Was has been
    recorded as well. What do you think about audiobooks? Is it just a
    kind of modern device or it will replace books in the future?

    I am thrilled that there is an audiobook available of All The Light
    There Was, particularly because the actor who recorded it, Suzanne
    Toren, is so talented and because she was able to read the Armenian
    phrases with such an excellent accent. It is wonderful that the audio
    book is available so that people who are vision impaired, who are
    taking long car rides, or who have reading disabilities can have
    access to the novel. There is also an e-book that can be downloaded
    onto a reading device, which seems to be the wave of the future.

    Please, tell a little about your family. Where are your ancestors
    coming from? What Armenian traditions have you preserved in your own

    My paternal grandparents are from Cilicia--my grandfather immigrated
    from Adana to Watertown in 1911. My grandmother was from Mersin, and
    survived the deportations, ending up as an orphan at Ras Al-Ain in the
    Syrian desert.

    My connection to Armenian culture is primarily through literature and
    the arts and my friendships with other Armenian-American writers and
    artists. I also do some Armenian cooking. This past weekend I baked
    cheoreg [sweet Easter bread -ed.] for Easter.

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