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Armenia celebrates the Day of Motherhood, Beauty and Love

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  • Armenia celebrates the Day of Motherhood, Beauty and Love

    Armenia celebrates the Day of Motherhood, Beauty and Love

    11:50 - 07.04.13

    Today is April 7, the Day of Motherhood, Beauty and Love. On this day
    the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Annunciation to St. Mary.
    The Annunciation commemorates the tidings which the Angel Gabriel
    brought to Mary. It is part of the fulfillment of the Messianic
    prophecy and plan, and the most important event in Mary's life.

    "Do not be afraid, Mary," the Angel Gabriel said, as he appeared
    before the young woman, "for you have found favor with God. And
    behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall
    call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of
    the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his
    father David, and he will reign over the House of Jacob forever, and
    of his kingdom there will be no end." (Luke 1:30-33)

    Speaking to, Rev. Ter Shmavon Ghevondyan said that while
    celebrating Annunciation to Virgin Mary, the church accords high honor
    to motherhood. `We accord high honor to all mothers as the greatest
    miracle on the Earth is the gift of being a mother. This gift was
    given to Virgin Mary in an unprecedented way, not in a way we know.
    Double miracle has taken place - the first one becoming mother and the
    second that it took place without man's interference. That is why the
    born person was a wonder-child and God's son who was to be the
    Savior,' he said.

    April 7 was registered as holiday in 1995 and came to replace March 8
    Day of Women celebrated in the Soviet Union. Speaking to,
    orator Meruzhan Ter-Gulanyan explained that the change took place as
    in independent Armenia March 8 was considered a soviet, socialist and
    communist holiday. `That is why we wanted to change it. If I am not
    mistaken I voted against it. I thought keeping March 8 was not bad.
    But there was an opinion that Armenia needs new holiday and April 7
    was chosen as that time is the time of blossoming and it was tied with
    motherhood,' he said.

    Ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan said nothing is being done for mothers,
    no actions beyond words honoring them. She said current Diaspora
    Minister Hranush Hakobyan exerted efforts to restore March 8 holiday
    which became a day off. April 7 also remained, though it is a working

    On April 7 holy liturgy is being served in churches and women wishing
    to become mothers are being blessed.

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