German-Armenian Central Council is concerned
Sat, 04/06/2013 - 22:19
German-Armenian Central Council expressed concern about possible
provocations and clashes on the day of presidential inauguration.
`After February 18 presidential election, the political situation in
the Republic of Armenia is tense. To the contrary to predictions, the
situation is becoming tenser and it is expected that it will reach its
culmination on April 9, the day of presidential inauguration. It is
expected that provocations and clashes can happen between peaceful
population and law enforcement agencies, and the development goes on
with the plot of March 1 incidents'- is mentioned in the statement of
the Council.
The authors of the statement express their support to the just
struggles and announce that `the use of any kinds of violent acts or
provocation will have its absolute negative affect on the relations
between Armenian authorities and Diaspora'.
`For the welfare of the Armenian people and the country's sustainable
development, we demand from the authorities of the Republic of Armenia
for the resolution of each issue or disagreement only in legal, spread
and human approach, which will serve as a solid basis for the
continual development of Diaspora-Armenian relations and will enhance
the reputation of the Republic of Armenia in international arena'.
Sat, 04/06/2013 - 22:19
German-Armenian Central Council expressed concern about possible
provocations and clashes on the day of presidential inauguration.
`After February 18 presidential election, the political situation in
the Republic of Armenia is tense. To the contrary to predictions, the
situation is becoming tenser and it is expected that it will reach its
culmination on April 9, the day of presidential inauguration. It is
expected that provocations and clashes can happen between peaceful
population and law enforcement agencies, and the development goes on
with the plot of March 1 incidents'- is mentioned in the statement of
the Council.
The authors of the statement express their support to the just
struggles and announce that `the use of any kinds of violent acts or
provocation will have its absolute negative affect on the relations
between Armenian authorities and Diaspora'.
`For the welfare of the Armenian people and the country's sustainable
development, we demand from the authorities of the Republic of Armenia
for the resolution of each issue or disagreement only in legal, spread
and human approach, which will serve as a solid basis for the
continual development of Diaspora-Armenian relations and will enhance
the reputation of the Republic of Armenia in international arena'.