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Security problems in Armenia

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  • Security problems in Armenia

    Vetsnik Kavkaza, Russia
    April 6 2013

    Security problems in Armenia

    6 April 2013 - 8:06pm

    VK talked to political scientist and Director of the Caucasus
    Institute, Alexander Iskandaryan about his report entitled "Security
    of Armenia: Challenges, Expectations, Realities".

    Armenia has actually two neighbors. In fact, there are more on the
    map, three more: the two recognized ones are Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    the unacknowledged one is Karabakh. But this is not a big deal,
    because Turkey and Azerbaijan are not close to Armenia for obvious
    reasons, and Karabakh in every sense except the political one, that
    is, in the economic, demographic, social, spiritual sense, what you
    want - it's actually pretty much a part of Armenia. Accordingly, there
    are Georgia and Iran - with the very specific, I would say, format of
    Iranian-US relations, and no less specific format of Georgian-Russian
    relations. With the utmost importance for Armenia, of course, of the
    U.S. and Russia, there is a picture in which Armenia is obliged to act
    like Mikoyan from the famous Soviet joke, arriving dry to a Politburo
    meeting and saying that he walked between the raindrops. This is a
    constant of Armenian foreign policy. It does not depend on any
    election year. In the Armenian foreign policy rhetoric it is called
    complimentarism. This is the official position. Armenia does not
    equate anti-Western and pro-Russian or pro-Western and anti-Russian
    and is trying to maintain the policy - that is, every time, doing
    something with Iran, we say to the Americans "Look at the map, guys,"
    and we say the same thing every time to the Russians doing something
    with the Georgians. This is real, and this is a challenge. It does not
    depend on the individual, no matter who was elected president of
    Armenia in this election, or what you like - it will remain constant.
    What is the mode of the formation of Armenian security, the security
    of the Republic of Armenia? There are several components. Military and
    political cooperation with Russia in the CSTO, i.e. the ability to
    provide arms ammunition at affordable prices, this is a Russian
    military base in Armenia, which takes challenges existing in the
    region associated with third countries, and it is the presence of
    quite serious armies in Armenia and Karabakh, which must ensure the
    security of a purely military level because of the unresolved
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Politically, this is the format of the
    Minsk process, which is much criticized, in my opinion - quite
    unfairly. The Minsk process in politics - I'm a political scientist, I
    am not a politician, so I can say what I really think - the Minsk
    process does not have the goal of resolving the conflict. Resolving
    the Karabakh conflict cannot be implemented so far. The parties'
    positions diverge so much that compromise is impossible there. We do
    not have anything to negotiate. Accordingly, the Minsk process has
    three objectives. The first task - I would call it «show must go on».
    Negotiations should continue. World experience shows that in the
    conflicts in which there is a channel of interaction between the
    parties, the situation is developing better than in those that do not
    have this channel. The second problem - the process should be
    internationalized, so to speak, so in the room there will be not only
    Azerbaijani and Armenian, but also American, French and Russian. And
    thirdly, we need to continue a peaceful solution to the conflict and
    negotiations around it, and the Minsk Group has been performing these
    tasks quite well since 1992. Accordingly, the Minsk process will
    remain in the sphere of military-political security. Eurasian Economic
    Community, the EAC, the CES, the Customs Union - all these many
    emerging, very different bodies, with different approaches, media
    formats and so on, are not rejected, and we try to combine them with
    the formats of the West. There is the format of the Eastern
    Partnership. This year for Armenia is very important in this sense. In
    November the Vilnius summit will be held, and at the Vilnius summit an
    agreement on associate membership in the EU may be initialled.
    Negotiations are going on for the deep zone of mutual trade. By June,
    there will be the facilitating of the visa regime. These formats are
    combined with those that we have with Russia. It's not that easy, but
    understanding everywhere, including in Europe, is possible. The
    Armenian and not only the Armenian press discusses this quite
    violently. These formats are perceived as conflicting. If you follow
    the advice of Professor Preobrazhensky and don't read newspapers
    before dinner, then at the real political level all is fairly decent.
    Most recently, the President of Armenia, the newly-elected but the old
    one, before his inauguration visited Moscow, met with Putin. In
    general, it seems that the format of cooperation with the Customs
    Union and the EAC is quite possible with combining the formats that
    exist in other areas. These are our expectations for the next 5 to 7
    years. Our challenges are also fairly clear: these are challenges of
    regional isolation, communication isolation. There is some hope on the
    Abkhaz railway, which is a problem, but there is not zero probability
    that in the medium term some minimal opportunities could appear. The
    Armenian-Turkish process to date has died, or at least very much
    frozen up, I think, until 2014-2015. Again, the chance that somehow it
    will be unlocked is zero. At the same time, I think that the chance
    that the situation in Iran will be risky is also equal to zero. So the
    process that we have now will continue with some of the developments
    in different directions. We should not expect anything miraculous. But
    the mode or the locus of the policy that exists in our country
    concerning external players - again, I go back to the beginning, it
    cannot change. It will be more or less the same, and developing it is
    the task of the Armenian authorities to date. More integration with
    Russia, more integration with Europe, even more integration with the
    world around, which is not very easy, but attempts to do so will
    continue. .

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress