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The Art of Turning Neighbors into Enemies

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  • The Art of Turning Neighbors into Enemies

    Asharq Alawsat (The Middle East)
    April 5, 2013 Friday

    The Art of Turning Neighbors into Enemies

    By all accounts Azerbaijan should be Iran's closest ally.

    The tiny republic on the Caspian Sea is home to nine million people
    with strong ethnic, historic, and religious ties to the Iranian
    people. Almost 80 percent speak Azeri, an Altaic language with a
    vocabulary drawn from Turkish, Persian, and Arabic. Around 12 million
    people in five Iranian provinces speak a version of the language.

    Azerbaijan also contains Kurdish, Gushtasbi-Talysh, Tat, and Lezgin
    minorities; ethnic groups with kith and kin in Iran (ethnic and
    linguistic minorities account for 22 percent of Azerbaijan's

    Known as Aran, Shiravan and Nakhjivan, the areas that actually form
    Azerbaijan were part of the Iranian heartland for more than 25
    centuries. Iran lost them in two disastrous wars with Tsarist Russia
    which was pursuing its dream of reaching warm waters through Iran.
    With treaties imposed on the Qajar Shahs in 1824 and 1830 Iran ceded
    the areas to the Tsars.

    When the Tsarist Empire collapsed following the 1917-1918 Russian
    Revolution, these areas came together to form an independent state.
    The experiment lasted two years before Lenin sent an army of to
    reassert Russian domination. Next, Josef Stalin, acting as Commissar
    for Nationalities, transformed the territories into a new unit named
    Azerbaijan, establishing it as an autonomous republic within the USSR.
    The fall of the Soviet Empire in 1991 gave the people of Azerbaijan a
    chance to regain their independence.

    Due to these events, large numbers fled from the affected territories,
    seeking refuge in Iran. Today there are millions of Iranians whose
    ancestors fled the Tsarists and the Bolsheviks. The flow of refugees
    to Iran from Azerbaijan continued for decades, albeit with varying
    intensity. In the 1990s as Armenia invaded and annexed
    Nagorno-Karabakh, half a million people fled from Azerbaijan to Iran.

    With Shi'ite Muslims representing some 85 percent of the population,
    Azerbaijan also shares strong religious ties with Iran.
    Linguistically, the Kurdish, Tat, and Gushtasbi-Talysh minorities
    belong to the family of Iranic languages. (Iran's Zoroastrian "holy"
    book Avesta was originally written in the Gushtasbi-Talysh language.)

    Thus, relations between Azerbaijan and Iran should be at least correct
    if not cordial. And, yet, the opposite is the case.

    Last week, Iran recalled its ambassador from Baku, capital of
    Azerbaijan, and closed border passages.

    The move came after Azerbaijan arrested 41 people on charges of
    espionage for Iran. Azerbaijani journalist Anar Bayramli, who worked
    for Iranian media, was also arrested.

    As the drama unfolded, two Azerbaijani writers Farid Hussein and
    Shahriar Haji-Zadeh disappeared in Iran, presumably seized as

    Last week, Tehran's anger rose when Baku hosted a conference on "The
    Future of Southern Azerbaijan". This was a gathering of militants,
    mostly US citizens of Iranian origin, who regard all the various
    peoples who speak versions of the Azeri language as Turks. It is not
    quite clear what they mean by "South Azerbaijan". But one must assume
    that they want Azerbaijan to merge with the five Iranian provinces
    where Azeri is widely spoken to form a single new nation of 22 million

    Tehran sees the move as a plot hatched by the United States, Israel,
    and Turkey against Iran's territorial integrity.

    However, the "unification" plan would mean the disappearance of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan in its present shape. In a "greater" Azerbaijan
    the people of the republic would become a minority.

    Not surprisingly, on Wednesday the daily Kayhan, reflecting the views
    of "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei called for the "return" of Azerbaijan
    to Iran. It suggested that a referendum be held under international
    auspices on the subject, giving the people of Azerbaijan the choice of
    "returning to their Iranian homeland."

    Hosting secessionists is not the only reason for Tehran's anger.
    Azerbaijan has close ties with Israel including a USD 1.6 billion
    contract to purchase arms from the Jewish state. Tehran media claim
    that Azerbaijan would give Israel bases to bomb Iran's nuclear sites.

    Iran also regards Azerbaijan's ties wit Turkey, a member of NATO, as a
    potential threat in case of a military clash with the United States.

    To add to Tehran's anger, Azerbaijan has sided with Russia over
    dividing the resources of the Caspian Sea including oil and gas and
    caviar-bearing fish reserves.

    Iran wants the Caspian to be declared an inland sea jointly owned by
    its five littoral states. Under that scheme, Iran's share would be 20
    percent. Russia and Kazakhstan want the sea divided according to the
    length of each littoral state's shoreline. Under this scheme, Iran
    would end up with 11 percent. At first equivocating on the issue,
    Azerbaijan now tilts towards the Russian position while Turkmenistan,
    the fifth littoral state, is hedging its bet.

    Azerbaijan, too, has complaints against Iran.

    The Islamic Republic supports Christian Armenia in its conflict with
    Azerbaijan. Without support from Iran, landlocked Armenia would not
    have been able to annex Nagorno-Karabakh. It is clear that as long as
    Iran backs Armenia, Azerbaijan will not be able to recapture its lost

    Baku has another complaint.

    Iran's ruling mullahs try to incite Azerbaijan's Gushtasbi-Talysh
    minority against the Azeri majority despite the fact that the majority
    of the Gushtasbi-Talysh are Sunni Muslims. Baku also accuses Tehran of
    trying to foment nationalism among Kurdish, Tat and Lezgins in

    Tehran's mishandling of relations with Azerbaijan is a classic example
    of how ideological blindness could turn a nation's potentially closest
    neighbor into an enemy.

    Blinded by its anti-Americanism, the Khomeinist regime not only
    ignores deep-rooted cultural and historical ties but has also set
    aside Islamic or even Shi'ite sensibilities in shaping relations with

    Instead of the current tension, under a normal regime Iran would have
    been able to draw Azerbaijan close to its ancestral cultural and
    historic homeland by opening the borders, merging markets, and
    allowing maximum contact between populations on both sides of the Aras

    Sadly, however, tension with Azerbaijan need not be surprising. Today,
    Iran's relations with all its neighbors are marked by varying degrees
    of mistrust and hostility. A sad story, all round.

    From: A. Papazian