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Can Raffi Hovannisian Lead Our People to `The Promised Land'?

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  • Can Raffi Hovannisian Lead Our People to `The Promised Land'?

    Can Raffi Hovannisian Lead Our People to `The Promised Land'?

    by Michael Mensoian
    April 6, 2013

    The reports from Armenia are both heartening and disappointing. How
    can it be both? Indications are that there is a palpable
    dissatisfaction on the part of the electorate that is rippling
    throughout the country. Only time will tell whether this can properly
    be referred to as a groundswell of voter dissatisfaction with respect
    to the reelection of President Sarkisian. However, there is no
    question that a growing number of young activists have serious
    concerns with respect to his reelection. These activists represent an
    ever-growing number of young people whose future and that of Armenia
    is their iron in the fire. Then we have the energized political
    parties that see an opportunity to take on a president they perceive
    as being a wounded tiger.

    Raffi Hovannisian (Photo by Serouj Aprahamian, The Armenian Weekly)
    To begin with, Mr. Sarkisian has been reelected. Although neither
    candidate can honestly claim to have received a mandate from the
    people, this has not prevented Mr. Hovannisian from making that claim.
    Mr. Sarkisian continues to occupy the office of the President of the
    Republic of Armenia and has been congratulated on his victory by
    substantive foreign leaders who evidently prefer a known to an unknown
    chief executive. President Sarkisian still controls a majority in
    parliament and is supported by a cadre of apparatchiks and oligarchs
    who have their interests to protect.

    It has been over a month since President Sarkisian was returned to
    office (Feb. 18, 2013 election). Since then Mr. Hovannisian has
    visited various parts of Armenia with the message that he won the
    election. Given the voting irregularities that were noted, his
    supporters have some basis to believe that he is the legitimate
    president of Armenia. Yet, how long Mr. Hovannisian can continue this
    tour de force? At what point might his claim fail to resonate with the
    electorate? It seems his self-esteem is unlimited, but the interests
    of the voters in this continuing saga may not be as unlimited. They
    still have their daily problems to cope with. The election has not
    changed that.

    The problem for the opposition is maintaining this voter
    dissatisfaction or, should it wane, reenergizing it. Mr. Hovannisian
    went on yet another hunger strike in Freedom Square. Accompanying this
    decision, evidently made without thinking how it should or would end,
    was the following statement: `I will not eat and I will not accept
    deception and threats from anyone. If on April 9, Sarkisian takes his
    oath on the Holy Bible, and the Catholicos desecrates the Bible and
    blesses¦[President Sarkisian] who mocks the people, then it will
    happen over my dead body.' He not only challenges the president, but
    the Catholicos as well. On one hand he claims to be the legitimate
    president of Armenia and on the other hand he is apparently willing to
    die to protect his claim. When Mr. Sarkisian is sworn in and is
    blessed by the Catholicos, what then? While these theatrics are being
    played out, the opposition is without a leader and a plan. If Mr.
    Hovannisian wasn't so busy, it should be him. He is the recognized
    face of the opposition. He has proven his right to that position.
    Holding rallies seems to be his forte. If pure altruism were the
    guiding principle that motivated political parties, there would be no
    problem. However, there are pragmatic considerations as well that
    influence the agendas of these parties. Creating an effective
    opposition is not an easy task, as can be seen at this early stage.
    Maintaining it is more difficult.

    The problem that the opposition faces is that there are two sets of
    reforms that must be addressed. One set covers the bread and butter
    issues that directly impact the day-to-day life of the people and
    their future. These are issues that determine the socioeconomic
    wellbeing of the country and the quality of life of its people. One
    has to determine whether this public outcry is caused by voting
    irregularities per se or against voting irregularities because the
    president and his failed policies and programs have been given another
    five-year term.

    The other set of reforms relate to the systemic changes that must be
    achieved through constitutional revisions. These affect the type of
    government, the system of justice, and the election process. These are
    long-term unless a rapid change in the power structure takes place
    through a coup d'état or a revolution. Either process is beyond the
    capability or the intent of the opposition. The conundrum facing the
    opposition is that the bread and butter issues are dependent in large
    measure upon the long-term systemic changes required. It is a `catch
    22³ situation. At which end of the rope does the opposition begin to

    The May 5 election of representatives to the city council, which is
    the governing body for Yerevan, represents the first assault against
    the administration. Wresting control from the Republican Party would
    be a significant victory. In the first election (2009) for the 65
    seats on what at that time was the newly formed council, about 53
    percent of Yerevan's eligible voters participated. The election gave
    the Republican Party 47.7 percent of the vote (35 seats) and the right
    to name the mayor. The Prosperous Party had 27.7 percent (17 seats)
    and the Armenian National Congress 17.4 percent (13 seats). No other
    party reached the 7 percent threshold to name a representative. At the
    time there were charges of voting irregularities. For the present
    election on May 5, 2013, failure to gain control of the council would
    deal a serious blow to the reform movement.

    Unfortunately, what seemed to be a likely coalition has already
    fractured. Each party has decided to name its own slate of
    representatives. Good luck to that decision. A coalition could pool
    its votes and would only need to reach the 9 percent threshold (7
    percent for individual political parties) to name representatives to
    the council. This would have been the better course of action given
    the results of the first election. If cooperation is elusive here, the
    administration has won a victory before the first vote has been cast.
    What does this portend for the future when a united front may be an
    absolute necessity?

    Many of the desired systemic reforms will take time. This requires
    long-term commitments by the political parties to carry on an
    effective opposition. However, this required commitment is not a
    reasonable expectation in Armenia's volatile political environment.
    The obvious danger, assuming an effective coalition can be formed, is
    the prospect of the administration peeling away an opposition party or
    its ability to counter coalition efforts with legislation that can
    easily pass in the Republican-dominated parliament. Such legislation,
    if beneficial to the electorate, would undermine coalition efforts as
    well as its support among the public, in general, or with specific
    groups, such as the young political activists. However, if the
    coalition's efforts force the administration to be more responsive to
    the needs of the people, than that can be viewed as a victory, but it
    falls far short of the systemic changes the opposition seeks.

    Potential coalition partners have their own unique agendas. While
    there will be times where the coalition may feel compelled to support
    the administration en bloc, there could be issues where a divided
    response occurs. Unfortunately the opposition must operate in a
    political environment that can change dramatically because of
    unforeseen events, manipulations by the administration, or interparty

    There is no easy path to the reforms, whether short-term or long-term,
    that must be had. The opposition must hammer away at the
    administration's inadequacies, while proposing doable changes to
    improve the system of governance and the welfare of the people. The
    electorate'urban and rural, young and old'must be educated to
    understand the importance of their support and the patience to achieve
    the desired objectives. This is the time that will try the resolve of
    the coalition partners as well as the electorate. Realistically,
    political reforms may be less important to the people than legislation
    that has a beneficial impact on their quality of life. How to balance
    their support for the former against their greater interest in the
    latter is a problem that has to be resolved.

    No political party wants to lose an election. However, the voter must
    have faith that a political party not only talks their interests, but
    is willing to wage the good fight, to win or be bloodied, on their
    behalf. Raffi Hovannisian was not only willing to talk their
    interests, but also accepted the challenge to face President Sarkisian
    knowing full well the obstacles. He proved that he was willing to
    fight for their cause. Can the Armenian people ask more from a leader?

    The dissatisfaction of the Armenian electorate has been simmering for
    a very long time. Mr. Hovannisian has been the catalyst that has
    brought this resentment to a boil. Whether or not it succeeds depends
    on many variables. One can never say with certainty what the end
    result might be.

    If Mr. Hovannisian's `people's victory,' which the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (ARF) has publicly accepted, should fail to
    gain traction, then the ARF has a duty to fulfill the mission, alone
    if necessary. Our party has to decide what it must do, and what it
    must do is to be perceived as ready and able to mount the political
    ramparts for the people.

    In an interview months ago, I was emotionally taken by a thought
    expressed by unger Vahan Hovannisian: `Those who do not understand
    where my self-confidence, determination, and strength comes from
    should remember one word: Dashnaksutyun.' The principles and
    philosophy that define the ARF have endured for over 120 years. It is
    these eternal values that are the foundation for a system of
    governance where freedom, justice, equality, and opportunity exists
    for all Armenians irrespective of age, ability, or needs. This is the
    moment when our party must be imbued with that same self-confidence,
    determination, and strength to carry our flag into battle for our
    people and for our mayreni yergir.
