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Turkey to build 45-meter-high dam near border with Armenia - Turkish

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  • Turkey to build 45-meter-high dam near border with Armenia - Turkish

    Turkey to build 45-meter-high dam near border with Armenia - Turkish official

    April 06, 2013 | 14:19

    Hayati Celenk, the Kars Province Head of the Turkish State Water
    Affairs General Directorate, stated that a dam will be constructed on
    the Arax River, near the border with Armenia.

    Celenk informed that the-45 meter-high dam will be built nearby Yukari
    Ciyrikli village of Tuzluca city in Turkey's Igdir Province, and 1,200
    meters away from the border with Armenia, Dogan News Agency of Turkey

    The Turkish official also noted that the dam will be used for
    agricultural purposes, since the Igdir Plain has a water problem.

    To note, in a recent interview with Armenian, Chairman
    Vladimir Movsisyan of the Presidential Committee on Lake Sevan Issues
    of Armenia had expressed a concern about the dams which Turkey plans
    to build on Arax River.

    News from Armenia -

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress