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Azerbaijan and Turkey are carrying out partition of Iran - Armenian

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  • Azerbaijan and Turkey are carrying out partition of Iran - Armenian

    Azerbaijan and Turkey are carrying out partition of Iran - Armenian expert

    April 06, 2013 | 15:19

    YEREVAN.- The recent events show that Azerbaijan and Turkey are
    jointly carrying out partition of Iran. Especially it refers to
    northern Turkic-speaking part of the Iranian state, expert in Iranian
    studies Armen Israelyan said.

    `I think that the very creation of the state of Azerbaijan was aimed
    at partition of Iran. This was mainly supported by Turkey.
    Unfortunately, at that time Iran did not have a capacity of preventing
    creation of a false state,' he said.

    The expert noted that `World Azerbaijanis Congress' organization holds
    regular meetings to raise the question on Turkic-speaking Iranian

    The recent events show that the policy of Azerbaijan and Turkey
    against Iran has become unprecedented.

    `Back in 2010-11, territorial claims on northern Iran were voiced with
    the help of media and historians. Starting from the second half of
    2012, the demands are already voiced by officials,' Israelyan noted.

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