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Arturo Sarukhan, Former Mexican Ambassador to the U.S., Joins Brooki

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  • Arturo Sarukhan, Former Mexican Ambassador to the U.S., Joins Brooki

    Brookings Institution
    April 5 2013

    Arturo Sarukhan, Former Mexican Ambassador to the U.S., Joins
    Brookings as a Distinguished Affiliate

    Washington, D.C. - Arturo Sarukhan, former Mexican ambassador to the
    United States, has joined the Brookings Institution as a distinguished
    affiliate, Brookings President Strobe Talbott announced today.

    `We are honored that Ambassador Sarukhan has agreed to join the
    Brookings family,' Talbott said. `Arturo has been a friend and
    colleague to a number of us here, as well as an invaluable friend to
    the U.S. He's been a leader in his country's political life and its
    foreign-policy establishment for more than a decade. We look forward
    to his participation in the work we do at Brookings and in the wider
    public-policy community of which we're a part.'

    A career Mexican diplomat, Sarukhan recently served as Mexico's
    ambassador to the United States from 2007 to January 2013. At
    Brookings, Sarukhan will affiliate with the Foreign Policy and
    Metropolitan Policy programs.

    >From 1988-89, Sarukhan began his career in public service as the
    executive secretary of the Commission for the Future of Mexico-U.S.
    Relations, a non-governmental initiative funded by the Ford Foundation
    created to recast the relationship between the two countries. After
    joining Mexico's Foreign Service, Sarukhan held a number of different
    posts within the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. In 1991, he was named
    deputy assistant secretary for Inter-American Affairs, representing
    Mexico at the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin
    America and the Caribbean (OPANAL). In 1993, Sarukhan held his first
    posting to the Embassy of Mexico to the United States, where he served
    as the Mexican ambassador's chief of staff during the NAFTA
    negotiations. In 1995, Sarukhan was put in charge of the embassy's
    Office for Antinarcotics. From 2000 to 2003, Sarukhan was designated
    chief of Policy Planning to Mexico's secretary of Foreign Affairs,
    before moving to New York and serving as Mexico's consul general from
    2003 to 2006.

    Sarukhan took a leave of absence from the Mexican Foreign Service in
    2006 to join Felipe Calderón's presidential campaign, where he served
    as international spokesman and foreign policy coordinator. Following
    Calderón's election and the presidential transition, Sarukhan was
    appointed ambassador to the United States in January 2007.

    As an academic, Sarukhan has taught several courses at the Instituto
    Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), at the National Defense
    College, at the Inter-American Defense College and at the National
    Defense University of the United States.

    `For more than 20 years, Ambassador Sarukhan has had an outstanding
    career within Mexico's Foreign Service, serving the Mexican government
    and its people with distinction,' said Martin Indyk, vice president
    and director of Foreign Policy. `Foreign Policy and its Latin America
    Initiative will benefit greatly from Arturo's involvement in our
    research activities as well as our many public and private events.'

    `Ambassador Sarukhan has been an avid practitioner of Metro Diplomacy,
    recognizing that the dominant trend of this century is the rapid rise
    of cities as the engines of national economies and the vanguard of
    policy innovation,' said Bruce Katz, vice president and director of
    Metropolitan Policy. `He will be an invaluable partner in helping
    Brookings create a network of global cities, linked together by trade,
    that will learn from each other about the challenging issues of

    Sarukhan graduated from El Colegio de México with a bachelor's degree
    in International Relations and received a master's degree in U.S.
    Foreign Policy from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International
    Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C., where
    he studied as a Fulbright scholar and Ford Foundation fellow.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress